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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #4 > First Scrimmage Game Summaries and Surprises.
I was sort of surprised that The Grizzlies beat The Hangovers, but honestly I would have been surprised if the Hangovers won as well. Both great teams, but wasn't a great showing by either today. Neither team did much in the air and only the Grizzlies managed to move the ball on the ground.

The Kings had a decent showing today against The Raiders in a somewhat narrow defeat. The Raider's seem to be hurting a little more than people were expecting after their near collapse. The Raider's air game seems to be intact but their rushing and defense looked a little weak. Considering the Kings have one of the best Quarterback in A4, it didn't really show through. they did however put up an impressive running game.

I was surprised the Crusaders managed to beat the Cobras, but I'm honestly surprised when they beat anyone. They're a damn determined team, they sure don't want to fall from this league. The teams we're pretty even the whole game, despite the score. they both put up almost exactly the same amount of passing and rushing yards.

The Cougars shutout wasn't strange, especially as the Kickers have absolutely no depth while the Cougars have a decent amount. The Kickers showing was still pathetic with 3.5 net yards, obviously the team doesn't have any sort of grasp on tactics at this point in time. I really hope you guys manage to get better in the future.

I wasn't surprised when the Sidewinders curb stomped the Mascots, but it sure was an entertaining game to watch. Apparently these snakes have a pretty impressive ground game this season and the irony of them running it all over The Jersey team wasn't lost.

The Squirrel wasn't much of a surprised, though I must say it sorta sucks that we play the Squirrel's first this season :-/ They have a strong pass game and a solid rush as well. The Virus has both a good run and pass, but unfortunately it wasn't enough against the Fark Defense.

I thought that BRBB bashing in the Bigga Bois was about right, though it still remains that The BB's seem to be missing just some small thing that is keeping their team from being as good as they should be. Strictly on paper they should be doing much better than they have been all last season and apparently now. Five sacks, six hurries and over 270 net yards, a little more than their opponents, and yet they're still handed a large defeat. What's going on?

Figured the Pewnts would have won by more, guess they don't have their tactics down all the way yet. Good luck Mean Machines, I'm rooting for you to stay in A4

The Bengals beat the Farvas, nothing new. They stuffed the run into negatives and force the other team to throw the ball. Also nothing new. Even though the Bengal's very obviously controlled the whole game, the Farvas managed to put up a respectable fight.

The Lesbians destroyed the joke team, but by a pretty small amount when you take into consideration what the Brawlers are working with.

The Greyhounds and Rapids game gave the league a look into two of our newcomers. Despite their appearance the Rapids didn't have a very impressive passing game today, though their run more than made up for it. Tampa showed off their solid receiving squad and put up some decent numbers. They're definitely going to be a West playoff contender, no doubt about it. Niagara should still be a strong competitor for a home playoff game in the East, but they're going to have to show us more if they want to be a contender for top team.

The Bolts decimated the Taints in an impressive showing. the Bolts still obviously have a great planning team. Their strategy, deep player depth and powerful run game was far too much for the Taints to contain.

I was very disappointed with the Wildcats and Crabs game. Neither team seemed to have a firm grip on tactics. Rushing on both sides was completely ineffective and passing was not much better. No real excuse for the Wildcats who have a great QB and powerful receivers. Both teams are top of their conference but certainly didn't look it today.

The LUEshis and Wolves game was a very exciting game to watch. Both team exchanged plenty of passing and rushing yards. After today I think The Wolves will be making a real run on the top teams in the East. A home playoff game looks like a very real possibility with their powerful offense and defense. I was honestly surprised we could beat the boosted team with so few boosters on our side right now.

On paper the Bombers are a much better team than the Angerswords, but that counted for very little in todays game. The Bombers appear to be another case of don't have things together quite yet, much like the Bigga Bois.

The Alcoholics and Steel game game us insight into the other two new threats of the league. Five sacks and eight hurries, the Steel completely crippled the Alcoholics offensive game on both ground and in air. They also proved to be a serious run threat racking up over 310 rushing yards. The Steel will be a team to watch in the East this season.

I wont be doing any rankings after these games, but if people are interested enough I will make an updated ranking with explanations after the next scrimmage game, before the start of the actual season.

Last edited Jul 30, 2008 15:53:20
too long, didn't read lololol
I read and would read again +1
Cool post. Thanks!
Randal Kay
Nice Dragoon. The new AI is very picky for sure. We are still working on our defense tactics for sure.

Great post.
Originally posted by Randal Kay
Nice Dragoon. The new AI is very picky for sure. We are still working on our defense tactics for sure.


I spoke to Bort about some of the pass defense options, and he said that the CBs jamming WRs at the line is a bug and will be addressed when he can find it.

So, keep that in mind.
One point to be noted: I dont know how many of you get excited about winning or losing these scrims, but all I am trying for is to get the AI funtioning correctly!

Starting Sunday, I'll worry about the score...
Originally posted by DragoonNite

I wasn't surprised when the Sidewinders curb stomped the Mascots, but it sure was an entertaining game to watch. Apparently these snakes have a pretty impressive ground game this season and the irony of them running it all over The Jersey team wasn't lost.

I was going to reply in the pre-season ranking thread. But this about says it all folks. Watch out for the Sidewinders, we actually have the beef up front now!
Originally posted by Thaak
Originally posted by DragoonNite

I wasn't surprised when the Sidewinders curb stomped the Mascots, but it sure was an entertaining game to watch. Apparently these snakes have a pretty impressive ground game this season and the irony of them running it all over The Jersey team wasn't lost.

I was going to reply in the pre-season ranking thread. But this about says it all folks. Watch out for the Sidewinders, we actually have the beef up front now!

So are we snakes or missles LOL.... You will have to find out after the season starts and we blow stuff up or we just slither around

Lil DB

Thanks i really need that you said my goal it is to stay in A#4 With some more reqruiting i can beat atleast 2 of the teams in our matchup. And i will be rooting for your team and San Diego Bolts because im a Chargers fan
Last edited Jul 31, 2008 12:47:46
True the Lesbians didn't beat the joke team by much though there were 19 big drops(Bort fuck up)and the Lesbians went with a 90% passing scheme which won't happen in the regular season..

Last edited Aug 2, 2008 01:55:39
Ok Im getting real tired of everyone putting us (Crusaders) Down. JOKING.

I know we've had a bad season and a half, but I feel that we made some strides towards the end of last season. I think with us being able to keep the bulk of our starts last year, we will make even more strides this year. I see us winning 5-8 games this season and being more competitive.

Good luck to all.

Originally posted by DragoonNite

I thought that BRBB bashing in the Bigga Bois was about right, though it still remains that The BB's seem to be missing just some small thing that is keeping their team from being as good as they should be. Strictly on paper they should be doing much better than they have been all last season and apparently now. Five sacks, six hurries and over 270 net yards, a little more than their opponents, and yet they're still handed a large defeat. What's going on?

The man has his foot on our neck.

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