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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Season #4 Champions: _________ (Fill in the blank)
Yeah the Witch Doctors were surprisingly inconsistent last season. They looked like a great team but lost some stupid games. I still have them ranked as one of the better teams in the conference, if not the league, however.

If you want to boast on recruiting, however, the Prince Edward Island Sharks (I'm a homer! woohoo!) probably has the highest average D level, though builds are more important than levels. Almost every build was pre-screened and quite a few higher level players were rejected by me because I felt that their builds didn't fit our defense well enough, aside from two players (one starter, one backup) who I felt were salvageable and whose agents are working with us to improve their builds.

I can't speak for the hood (Western Conference, after all) but it looks like you beat up on a less than stellar team this past game. Last season was a crapshoot with extremely balanced teams, and I'm pretty sure that everyone spare you guys realizes that.
Pats Fan 81
I realize that we were all balanced, but we have the best DC in Canada and some pretty good OCs as well. Until proven otherwise, the Hood are #1 in my book. Great win this past game
Canadian Bacon could dark horse the league. All builds are top-notch and well-suited for the recent changes Bort has made. And their chemistry is rather good.
Hi Mercury, I have been wondering where your fuzzy little ass has been. You were so vocal last season and now nothing.

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