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Originally posted by erik_m_vos
Originally posted by Justin Mathews

Im the best FS on the team and i never play. That is why this team is 1-15 (Poor management). i want to be traded

In defense of the Razamanaz, I, as the offensive coordinator, want you all to know, he handled this VERY poorly. That's what got management riled up. The 1-15 record is not a sign of poor management, it's a matter of being out leveled severely in most positions. When this team was built and filled with human players instead of CPU players, it was done quickly towards the end of the offseason, and a lot of higher level players were already committed. This team is full of good people, committed to winning. Bad seeds, ie: Justin, need to be weeded out.

Now and then, NEW owners of NEW teams are inexperienced, ie: the Raz owner. This should not be held against him. He is learning from us experienced players and is growing as is the team.

Justin's stats are FAR behind the two level 12's that are in front of him. He got plenty of playing time as a back up and on kick off teams, but wants to be a starter. Fine, that being said, I agree, if you're behind two level 12's I'd want to be released too, BUT do it in a private message to the owner/gm and NOT in public forum. AND don't knock the team because of record which MANY factors come into play.

Just my two cents......

I agree with this.
Originally posted by erik_m_vos
Originally posted by Justin Mathews

Im the best FS on the team and i never play. That is why this team is 1-15 (Poor management). i want to be traded

In defense of the Razamanaz, I, as the offensive coordinator, want you all to know, he handled this VERY poorly. That's what got management riled up. The 1-15 record is not a sign of poor management, it's a matter of being out leveled severely in most positions. When this team was built and filled with human players instead of CPU players, it was done quickly towards the end of the offseason, and a lot of higher level players were already committed. This team is full of good people, committed to winning. Bad seeds, ie: Justin, need to be weeded out.

Now and then, NEW owners of NEW teams are inexperienced, ie: the Raz owner. This should not be held against him. He is learning from us experienced players and is growing as is the team.

Justin's stats are FAR behind the two level 12's that are in front of him. He got plenty of playing time as a back up and on kick off teams, but wants to be a starter. Fine, that being said, I agree, if you're behind two level 12's I'd want to be released too, BUT do it in a private message to the owner/gm and NOT in public forum. AND don't knock the team because of record which MANY factors come into play.

Just my two cents......

Just curious. Were the level 12's signed after the OP? Did Justin ask for a release?

If so, I'd have to say management isn't being too fair either.
Well I'm the DC and the one he has been dealing with. I came on board as a player and was later asked to take over the defense which I was happy to do. I don't know when he was signed and in what order but the roster is one of the main issues I've been working with the team owner on. During the off season we plan to let a few of the guys go who are in similar situations and won't ever see much playing time. I don't thin its fair to them or the team. Justin was one of these players.

Originally posted by Justin Mathews
Im the best FS on the team and i never play. That is why this team is 1-15 (Poor management). i want to be traded

that was how he asked to be traded. to which I responded

Originally posted by CTGuyton
Maybe the reason why we're 1-15 is because the "best fs on the team" is level 7 and the worst fs on the other teams are lvl 14. You're 5 levels lower(thats 40 sp + 4 for the lvl 8 Equipment) than the 2 guys ahead of you. I don't understand how you've come to the conclusion that you're the best.

You for damn sure have the most class tho. I surely wouldn't have responded very well with a PM and a request for release/trade due to lack of playing time or w/e reason you could come up with. Its much better to demand a trade in the forums while talking shit about the management(same people who will be trading you). How well do you really expect this to go? We could very easily just bench you for the remainder of your contract. That's not good for us or you. But I assure you I don't do well with demands. so maybe you should consider editing this to say 'nevermind' and try a different avenue for you request.

could've I have been a little nicer? yes. was I wrong in what i said? I don't think so. I gave him 3 opportunities to PM me and we could work out a trade or what ever. Hell I would've loved it personally. A player who I planned to cut is going to go out and find a team to pay me for him. GREAT!! But I refuse to give in to demands. I run my teams as fair as I can and I will be happy to do what ever I can for any player on those teams. I've been very fair in similar situations in the past on my other team where I'm the OC. If you have a concern/complaint/request PM me. If you want a team discussion on it the by all means post it in the forums. But calling everyone on the team losers and proclaiming yourself to be the greatest isn't the way to go about it. I am STILL willing to work something out with him but I have yet to receive a PM from the guy. and until I do he will ride the bench. Now I am only a GM and the owner is more than welcome to over rule me on this but I feel justified in my actions and welcome a discussion from Justin about his problems.
Originally posted by CTGuyton
But calling everyone on the team losers and proclaiming yourself to be the greatest isn't the way to go about it. I am STILL willing to work something out with him but I have yet to receive a PM from the guy. and until I do he will ride the bench. Now I am only a GM and the owner is more than welcome to over rule me on this but I feel justified in my actions and welcome a discussion from Justin about his problems.

haha. Point taken.
Originally posted by CTGuyton
Well I'm the DC and the one he has been dealing with. I came on board as a player and was later asked to take over the defense which I was happy to do. I don't know when he was signed and in what order but the roster is one of the main issues I've been working with the team owner on. During the off season we plan to let a few of the guys go who are in similar situations and won't ever see much playing time. I don't thin its fair to them or the team. Justin was one of these players.

Originally posted by Justin Mathews

Im the best FS on the team and i never play. That is why this team is 1-15 (Poor management). i want to be traded

that was how he asked to be traded. to which I responded

Originally posted by CTGuyton

Maybe the reason why we're 1-15 is because the "best fs on the team" is level 7 and the worst fs on the other teams are lvl 14. You're 5 levels lower(thats 40 sp + 4 for the lvl 8 Equipment) than the 2 guys ahead of you. I don't understand how you've come to the conclusion that you're the best.

You for damn sure have the most class tho. I surely wouldn't have responded very well with a PM and a request for release/trade due to lack of playing time or w/e reason you could come up with. Its much better to demand a trade in the forums while talking shit about the management(same people who will be trading you). How well do you really expect this to go? We could very easily just bench you for the remainder of your contract. That's not good for us or you. But I assure you I don't do well with demands. so maybe you should consider editing this to say 'nevermind' and try a different avenue for you request.

could've I have been a little nicer? yes. was I wrong in what i said? I don't think so. I gave him 3 opportunities to PM me and we could work out a trade or what ever. Hell I would've loved it personally. A player who I planned to cut is going to go out and find a team to pay me for him. GREAT!! But I refuse to give in to demands. I run my teams as fair as I can and I will be happy to do what ever I can for any player on those teams. I've been very fair in similar situations in the past on my other team where I'm the OC. If you have a concern/complaint/request PM me. If you want a team discussion on it the by all means post it in the forums. But calling everyone on the team losers and proclaiming yourself to be the greatest isn't the way to go about it. I am STILL willing to work something out with him but I have yet to receive a PM from the guy. and until I do he will ride the bench. Now I am only a GM and the owner is more than welcome to over rule me on this but I feel justified in my actions and welcome a discussion from Justin about his problems.

Boom goes the dynamite.

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