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We will most likely be moving to a Soft Cap. for all leagues starting with season 4. It probably would have occurred in season 3 Except there are some major changes being made in the server configuration so most of the updates were held for season 4. It doesn't make sense to write code and then turn around and rewrite it.

The reason this was implemented was because of what happened with the African expansion teams during the Off season. There were expansion teams that were stocked with USA Pro quality players. Bort spent most of the offseason dealing with the issues that created rather than implementing updates.

The Soft Cap will involve player development. A player playing in a league where they are several levels higher than the remaining players on the team will receive an XP penalty. There will be some sort of an exception to allow mentors to be placed on the teams. The theory is that the player development will prevent people from playing to far below there level.
I dont like the cap, because my friend bought a team and I can't get on it because my players are too good.
From my team, I am losing 3 (maybe 4) players. We were a powerhouse last season. With me me not going out to get higher level players, I might be in the basement for this next season with the same team. I agree that the cap should be removed but you cannot bring in 30 super studs to run yourself to a championship. And what happens when you have a couple of teams that do nothing to their team and lower the average for the soft cap? I think adding them to the average is wrong. They took no time to get players or work their team. Why should the rest of the league be punished by that.

Last edited Jul 21, 2008 04:56:56

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