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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > Longest Field Goal in OPL?
Originally posted by josegrapinino
I think they should probably ease back on the advantage strength gives a kicker unless its a very high number like 80+.

First start by limiting the SA "Automatic" to a maximum distance, how about 30-35 yards?

Then take the close & late bonuses that Calm Nerves gives out & create a new spot behind it called Clutch that has no other value outside of close & late kicking moments. Calm Nerves would basically only be a boost to accuracy.

I think both skill trees should have diminished effects as well that way a kicker can still become good at a decent level, but becoming special takes alot more than it does now. I think eventually adding an onside kick SA in the middle would be nice too.

Automatic-->Big Boot

Calm Nerves-->Clutch

I suppose splitting the tree isn't as big a deal as breaking up what the SA's do into more smaller portions.

so perhaps,

Automatic-->Calm Nerves-->?Onside Kicks?-->Big Boot-->Clutch

Kicking distance is being adjusted for Season 4 (supposedly)

And if those SA's were implemented...I'd like to see them in this order

Onside Kicks - Calm Nerves - Big Boot - Clutch - Automatic
Your order makes sense now that I look at it that way.
I dont mind adjusting it a bit to make kickers not so dominant.

To add all new things to the skill tree is not something I want to see. It sucks for people that have spent a lot of time and money into developing a player based on the game tactics at hand. For it to be drastically changed is not fair to the customer IMO.

Im in favor of a change no doubt, but to totally revamp in the middle of a players career is tough. There should maybe be some type of cap as to automatic distance. Also make some of the other skills a little more important.

I know a lot of people wouldnt like it if they changed a the skill trees for a rb, wr, or a corner in the middle of their builds. Just sayin. Adjust it, but dont revamp it.
Well it is still a BETA game.. so revamp is part of the game. No question that kickers are uber right now. Still, I wouldn't worry about any drastic changes. Name 1 change that Bort has ever done that was 'drastic'. He's pretty realistic and makes changes slowly. Not to mention as fairly as any BETA game I've ever been in.
Originally posted by tahl
Well it is still a BETA game.. so revamp is part of the game. No question that kickers are uber right now. Still, I wouldn't worry about any drastic changes. Name 1 change that Bort has ever done that was 'drastic'. He's pretty realistic and makes changes slowly. Not to mention as fairly as any BETA game I've ever been in.

I totally understand that. All fair points.

We all know kickers need to be changed, Im just hoping it is realistic.

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