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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Wollongong Shaved Pussycats gameplans available.
It doesn't seem like he was being a jerk either. Just a bit of a know it all.

Which was fine, but then he got mad in the forums cuz we werent doing exactly what he wanted.

Still I just wanted to show no PMs were showing I was being a dick.
Originally posted by po
Originally posted by djactionman

I have talked to him, and gave him plenty to send to you guys, and I read some of all your emails, and he has every right. And I'd say your record speaks for itself.
He was clearly right on. I usually wouldn't disagree, but then I also wouldn't normally get the whole story like I did on this one.

Not one person said bad things to him.

Not one person ever told him to fuck off, if they did it wasnt til the very end.

Just for shits I ll go ahead and post an entire convo between the two of us:

Originally posted by

scott_theener Date Sent:
Jul 10, 2008 09:10:02 Subject:
Re: foxes tactics

Nastys only job on the team is to return kicks.

I can put you as the backup, but my guy has only gotten one KR and one PR all year. And I think that was when we didnt have enough CBs.

He isnt a great PR/KR yet but he will be good in the fugure as that is solely his job.

---------- Original message ----------
From: scott_theener
Date: Jul 10, 2008 09:06:39
Subject: Re: foxes tactics
To: po

Don't take this offensively but, Taco Jockey is likely a better returner than our current backup returner. That was how he was originally going to be built, but held off on it because there wasn't much chance of getting that spot on the last team. But his speed is good, and it would keep from wearing out the good FS, where as at CB we have a lot more depth.

---------- Original message ----------
From: po
Date: Jul 2, 2008 14:05:26
Subject: Re: foxes tactics
To: scott_theener

I think the passing is about where it needs to be. We have tinkered with giving the FB more carries, but it never worked in our favor.

<rest of message taken out due to revealing percentages> nothing bad was said.

---------- Original message ----------
From: scott_theener
Date: Jul 2, 2008 13:49:41
Subject: foxes tactics
To: po

I've looked over the numbers
and we need to increase the TE pass % increase FB run %
runD and passD closer to 50-50, like 40-something and 60-something. If you are still having that big of problems against the run then it is players that need to adjust, but also: take zone% down to under 5% and blitzing to under 5%, if the team is closer matched or better than us then we can't try to flush them out. Too many mistakes are being made, and too many arrogant players on a team not doing their jobs. I'd change the defend sh/mid/long to something more middle, but like 20/65/15 or even more short if you want. Foxes run a pretty close to 50/50 game run and pass, and they are good, but ***we can beat them*** I know it.

---------- Original message ----------
From: po
Date: Jul 2, 2008 09:07:28
Subject: Re: Taco Jockey has received a contract offer from the Wollongong Shaved Pussycats
To: scott_theener

I was happy to trade for you.

---------- Original message ----------
From: scott_theener
Date: Jul 2, 2008 09:06:32
Subject: Re: Taco Jockey has received a contract offer from the Wollongong Shaved Pussycats
To: po

Thanks, that gave me the last point I was missing. I was one flex point off for another thing, but that can wait, so no big deal, but I feel good about the player now, he looks pretty savage.

---------- Original message ----------
From: po
Date: Jul 2, 2008 09:04:36
Subject: Taco Jockey has received a contract offer from the Wollongong Shaved Pussycats
To: scott_theener

Dear scott_theener,<br>
This is an automated message.<br>
Your player, <a href="/game/">Taco Jockey</a>, has
just received a new contract offer from the <a href="/game/">Wollongong Shaved Pussycats</a>.<br>
You can view this offer on Taco Jockey's <a href="/game/">Contract Offers</a> page.<br>
If you would like to send a message to the owner of the Wollongong Shaved Pussycats you may simply reply to this message.

That was from two days ago, after I had given him a contract to give him more money to buy his equipment.

Where exactly were things said bad to him. That was the very last PM I ever sent to him as well.

So if he is sending you something different. Then he is lying to your face. Jockey is a good player why would I want to piss off my best CB? How much sense does that make. He was whiney from day one, trying to tell me how to run my team, and honestly since I wasnt doing whatever he wanted to he was just looking for a way off of my team.

You are missing some on here.
But it also really isn't feasible, practical, and...well it just wouldn't make sense to post every single message from person to person, so it doesn't matter.
Certainly his reaction wasn't proper, but he did send me stacks of forum posts and emails between the players on your team, and at least first off certainly didn't meet any of the criteria for the names and statement you and your team have made.
Man, he sent me stack after stack of things, and it isn't as nice and peaceful from you and your team as you make it out, and it certainly wasn't Taco Jockey trying to take over, we gave him lots of stuff because he said you guys needed to jump over that edge to make it into the playoffs, so we gave a bunch and helped him review players to tighten things up. I opened up my old pr/kr for one of your guys I think too so that it would help him figure out a plan to get up to speed while still maintaining the ability to get xp as a backup cb.
I can say more, but this certainly looks to me like a lot of extreme points being stated, and somewhere in the middle is the truth, and a lot of really extreme reactions by people on both sides. The comments that were made by all parties were out of line. Certainly using profanity against a player and calling him a "douche" and such, which were pasted over in messages to me and other owners among other people, are way out of line, so you'd have to expect a response, but this might be a bit too far.
Though I have seen one team pull all of this on purpose as a fake to get an advantage too.
Po, you clearly didn't post all of the PMs [PMS? ] But that's okay, like I said. And I really don't think it matters. I think a player got excited and did a lot of work to help and got their feelings hurt, and both sides didn't handle it well.
Either fix it and meet in the middle or part ways and ignore it all.
But he's a good player and intelligent person, at least in terms of football if clearly not in HR, and so either way it wins out. If you have any questions please let me know, good luck for all of you.
Ah so this is your other account?

And please, tell me what other PMs?

You mean the PMs he sent me after he went off that I didnt dignify him. excuse me you a response with?

Those PMs?

Its very apparent to me now that this is your other account that you had told me about earlier. Or wait "your friends" account.
Last edited Jul 12, 2008 19:48:01
It wouldn't be difficult for the Mods/Admins to compare the Ip addresses accessed from those accounts to prove your suspicions.
Originally posted by po

Its very apparent to me now that this is your other account that you had told me about earlier. Or wait "your friends" account.

I'd agree. Mail the mods, they're very quick about getting multiple account people banned.
Originally posted by Go_Blue
Originally posted by po

Its very apparent to me now that this is your other account that you had told me about earlier. Or wait "your friends" account.

I'd agree. Mail the mods, they're very quick about getting multiple account people banned.

Or he will say its his "friends account" who stopped playing the game.

Another poster got two teams that way.

Regardless I would just like to sell him in the offseason and move on.
Go ahead and mail them. I tended his account for something like two or three days and gave it back after I fixed his guy a little bit. His name is Scot, and if he'd put in this much time when he was on my team I might have made more room for him. I'm sorry you got the bad end on it, and I'm sorry if I offended you in any way with suggestions. I'd say get what you can for him. If/when they load new teams this season then you could probably get a good deal for him, of I'd pay you for him because we unloaded some players and have the money.
Tending accounts isn't a big deal and they don't have any problems with it, if I'm going to be out of town or whatever then I always give over my info to someone else. But if you think I'm trying to get extra players out of this then that is just silly, there is only one guy on that other account, I would have just bought it on my own that's just stupid. I see the idea of cheating to get another team. But this clearly isn't that.
Good luck in your next season, I hope it goes well, and if you need any help or anything please let me know.
Wow this guy has gone from pathetic whiner to creepy stalker. Really you just need to move on. It's over. No one feels bad for you and no one is going to jump in to help you. Please stop making a fool of yourself on the forums and get over it.
Originally posted by djactionman
Go ahead and mail them. I tended his account for something like two or three days and gave it back after I fixed his guy a little bit. His name is Scot, and if he'd put in this much time when he was on my team I might have made more room for him. I'm sorry you got the bad end on it, and I'm sorry if I offended you in any way with suggestions. I'd say get what you can for him. If/when they load new teams this season then you could probably get a good deal for him, of I'd pay you for him because we unloaded some players and have the money.
Tending accounts isn't a big deal and they don't have any problems with it, if I'm going to be out of town or whatever then I always give over my info to someone else. But if you think I'm trying to get extra players out of this then that is just silly, there is only one guy on that other account, I would have just bought it on my own that's just stupid. I see the idea of cheating to get another team. But this clearly isn't that.
Good luck in your next season, I hope it goes well, and if you need any help or anything please let me know.

But conveniently used the "friend's account" to attempt to prove your ridiculous statements against your owner. You are an idiot, a liar, a cheater, and a little bit pathetic. Go away.
That's awesome, say whatever you want.
I can give you his and my name and whatever, who cares.
I got him to make an account and it didn't work out, and I'm sorry because I'm the one who traded him, so let's find a way to make this not suck for you, because I feel bad.
I've thought more on it and I had a guy on my team with 4 guys that just kept complaining about starting and I got pissed and I honestly thought I was doing the right thing for him by scattering him so he was forced to be a better person. But, that won't work here. You could bench him and pay the salary um... And if it is a lot trade me someone sucky and I'll help pay for it to make up for not doing something. You clearly knew he was my friend, but you obviously thought I was cheating my way to absolutely nothing, but you could have said something. Though, that being said I understand, who would expect to know to do that, we don't know each other. I'll buy him off of you for the max. We could both just kind of mention that maybe this frustration isn't worth it and try to get him to just let it go, you cut him, he retires. If you want, you can PM an admin and continue to try and bash me, and then we can figure out how that works when owner bashing involved owner-to-owner nad player to owner that isn't the same team on a public forum. Nothing will happen the way you think it will, so you can all get over that. Either way this is bs. The only negative thing I've said here is essentially that your record speaks for itself. If you don't want help because you want the accomplishments you achieve to be your own then that is totally fine, I understand that. I would too, but I wouldn't mind some advice to get me in the right direction. You don't need Google map directions, but sometimes the guy at the gas station pointing his finger to the starting road, or to North isn't bad.
PM me with any suggestions. If you want to try and get me in trouble for something you are making up to make yourselves look awesome while you fail your way through Oceania triple X league, go right ahead, and when you get to be old enough maybe we'll play. I'm totally here for advice, you're all in another region, or anything else. I want to help and also to make up for the shit that went on, but don't blame me for any of it, if we all new these things would happen with people then a lot more problems wouldn't happen.
Either take a trade for any cash amount the admins will allow or in the pg version of your team's words you can f off.
But take some help or not.
who cares, it's GLB, accept your daytime emmy
lol, I seriously hope English is your second language. So where are you from djaction/theener?
Please log in to your other account so I can attempt to trade you.
First off I want to apologize this became a big mess and I was out of line with this topic. Everything prior to this whole mess I can't apologize for I was just trying to help. I think I stepped on po's toes (yay rhymes!) but I had never intended to. I reacted poorly and I apologize to him, if the very first thing was just a calmer sort of can you take it down a notch message like that the way I'd posted my suggestions was stepping over boundaries then I would have done it differently, but that is still no excuse.
I did receive messages from the mods about all of this, and it didn't work out quite as you thought, but they did give excellent advice.
But just wanted to post a thing wishing you good luck. If they are still there then look over some of those things. I think i did at least do some good for you, despite that one game you were upset over, in helping your db situation, and also in getting some of your other players to have some better focus. I really hope it works out for you, sorry it went this way and good luck.
My inbox is stacked with messages from owners, so if you want to trade me and that is easy, or whatever you want to do I respect, and we can forget this topic was ever created. Let me know how it works out for you, and then again, like so many people have posted and we should all wake up for is that it's just a game-just a game online. It isn't worth all this crap.
Good luck po

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