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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > I know its next week, but its the game of they year!!! WHO YOU GOT!
Originally posted by killertoad

Look at my TE you'll see who I'm talking about. Don't diss guys like this. It is easy to gameplan when we are expected to win every week. Take a month in thier shoes. My hat goes off to both of their teams for not giving up.

I second this. My second team, the Honolulu Kahunas, is not nearly as successful as the more well known Brisbane Gods. The reason being that they were a SE Asia expansion team who only had something like 5 games in their first season before I made the fateful decision to transfer them into a USA league while Bort was offering. I really liked the idea of having one team each across the USA/non-USA divide, and the possibility of building both teams up to where potentially they could meet up in a Champions League tournament (if Bort ever gets around to implementing it). The reality wasn't so good though, because I found the new expansion team shoved into a loaded league with a bunch of more established and much better teams from higher European and SE Asia leagues. That meant we had a terrible season, losing almost all the games. That then lead to people not willing to re-sign with the team, and that's the killer, and it starts up a vicious cycle of losses->players leaving->difficulty finding replacements->more losses->more players leaving and on and on and on. Honolulu would be in so much a better position now if they had stayed in SE Asia to compete against equal level teams. Nothing I can do about it now.

On the other hand, I've been very lucky with the core group of guys that I somehow managed to sign up for the Brisbane Gods very early on into the game. Great bunch of people that more or less have stuck together for nearly 3 seasons now.

Anyway, as a team owner with both a very successful team and a struggling rebuilding team I know exactly how it can be on both sides of the coin, so I wouldn't at all look down on the new team owners that are trying their hardest to rebuild the gutted teams they've been given. It's incredibly hard to get a team off the ground again once they've fallen behind.
Dr Pacheco
Hollywood by 30....

Retired Whorns are a "bit"... seriously, they HAVE to have set their tactics on the most ridiculous places possible. They could easily "hold down" most of their victors to.... 80-0. But they choose not to for some reason. Well, one more game in the pros and siyonara...
Since the Decepticon were able to score a touchdown against the Sea Turtles in their last game, I'm gonna change my prediction and agree with Dr Pacheco. Hollywood by 30.
Last edited Jul 12, 2008 12:13:41
Originally posted by killertoad
Originally posted by BradyFTW

You mean one of these teams is actually going to win a game? That just isn't right...

The only thing between you and them is luck. I don't want to be a wet blanket but one of my players actually plays for a team who didn't win a game last year in the US league. Instead of jumping ship I stayed put to help them rebuild a winner. Two of the most dedicated GMs I ever met. We won 2 games this year.

Look at my TE you'll see who I'm talking about. Don't diss guys like this. It is easy to gameplan when we are expected to win every week. Take a month in thier shoes. My hat goes off to both of their teams for not giving up.

I do know where you're coming from- I have a level 23 safety on a team that won 3 games this year. We're a pretty bad team, but we're recruiting and building up, and I just signed a 2 year contract with the team knowing that, at best, they'll be half-decent in two years. But I like the teammates, and the GMs are cool, so that's that. It's a game and, win or lose, they're fun to play for. So I do have plenty of experience 'in their shoes', and people make fun of our team all the time, and it doesn't bother me any.
Last edited Jul 12, 2008 12:51:10
YES! Alpha domination!

Last edited Jul 13, 2008 17:03:39
Hahaha, definitely. Alpha won 11 of the 16 games, including all 3 games of the week
Originally posted by BradyFTW
Hahaha, definitely. Alpha won 11 of the 16 games, including all 3 games of the week

True dat. Way to hold it down Alpha.

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