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Very tough, hard fought game. Our defense was able to come through for us and we obviously had a great game plan to hold you guys to only a TD & a FG. I'm not saying you guys didn't have a good game plan because you did too, we only came away with FG's, but in the end the TO's cost you the game.

Great Game, see you in the playoffs maybe.
Well played fanatic. We chose to change a few things up hoping it would tone down the turnovers, but looks like it made em worse...and you guys took advantage of them as any good team should. See you fellas in the playoffs!
Originally posted by Buzzkill
Well played fanatic. We chose to change a few things up hoping it would tone down the turnovers, but looks like it made em worse...and you guys took advantage of them as any good team should. See you fellas in the playoffs!

Hopefully we don't have to play you guys in the playoff.
Great game could of gone either way.

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