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Forum > FAQ's, Player Guides and Newbie Help > WR Build thoughts (Darth Maul)
Gonna tragically end up 2 AE upgrades (32 BT) short, due to when I temporarily gave up on my player building for a season like a noob.

Current VPB run-through, feedback welcome.

WR Speedster 6'2" Darth Maul
Spd = 111+56 = 167
Agi = 77
Catch = 87
Jump = 64
Stam = 61
Vis = 57
Car = 48
Str = 20

Catch% = 15% + 13% = 21.5%
Fake% = 12% + 10% = 17.0%

10 Route Run (8+1+1)
8 Sticky Hands (7+1)
8 Jump Catch (7+1)
11 Catch Fake (8+3)
2 First Step
2 Quick Cut

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