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Forum > Pee Wee Leagues > Pee Wee Gold League > An idea if there's interest from the Pee Wee fellas
I was just looking at one of my beloved Pee Wee dots and thinking what a shame it is that he'll be retired and shot dead after 40 days of Pee Wee.

Then I thought, wouldn't it be fun if all the Pee Wee guys had a place to let a few dots live on from their own beloved Pee Wee team? A team lets say in Prep League next season where old foes join together as flawed dots (we burned our BTs, we burned SPs into attributes they shouldn't be in for a dot that's going to keep going right?).

What if we had a Prep team where all of us Pee Wee agents could send a few dots to and go try and beat up those long slow builds? A team where all Pee Wee team owners were GM, could sign guys, and coordinated by us? A team where we're all GMs. Workin together to get a Prep League trophy or three over time. Working with our Pee Wee adversaries.

Would you have any interest in letting a dot live another season or three? More if we continue to make the playoffs?

Would be fun, I think, if most of us would be interested and would give us more GLB to play with. One pee wee person owns the team, another does the Offense, another does the D, another coordinates what dots are joining/positions, possibilities everywhere. I'd love to be the recruiter messaging agents "hey your pee wee dot is leading the league in such n such, can we sign you next season to live on? Hide your build if you want, just come play with us at the Planet of the Pee Wee Retired Apes team...whatever.

Maybe something like "The retired pee wee dots team continues until it fails to make the playoffs. If it fails, it resets back to Prep leagues where the next gen can try again". Odds are against us since our builds will likely be horrible against Prep league long haul builds but wouldn't it be fun? Argo workin with Fred workin with Kingknut and play on the same team with UGA etc etc.

Maybe I'm just being dumb. But if there's interest, why not? Comradery yeah? I'd be happy to fund the team. Pick up whatever roles that were needed. Be better if everyone was a part of the decisions though, I think. Maybe someday we'll discuss things like "Hey Fred gets to OC next season, he leads the Pee Wees in offense" and we'll be in a situation where Fred might even want to do it. Or whoever, just picked a name.
Edited by savanna on Jul 9, 2024 13:17:59
I think another bonus MAY be that lets say we eliminate some Prep team next season from the playoffs. Maybe we get some of those who never play Pee Wee to join us each season. More people involved in Pee Wee might come later if we're doing okay in Prep league?
Maybe, could be interresting. But i can't spend more time on GLB that i already do at the moment, so no OC / DC for me.
I know Pee Wee teams around mid season can totally crush a great Rookie team. Probably whoop em in the playoffs too. But end of Prep season in the playoffs with old pee wee dots? I'm thinking that'll be a challenge like no other. Who knows until we try I suppose.

I'm in if most of the pee wee agents would want to collaborate somehow. I wouldn't volunteer for coaching (my pee wee record shows why) but would be happy to suggest my dots that might last a while in a regular league. All BTs are burned up though.
honestly I 'm not against this at all. infact we did this back in the day and quickly found out that pee wee builds didn't translate to the upper leagues so we weren't as good as we thought we'd be. As far as coordinating goes on offense we had assigned down and distance. I think i had 2nd and 0-10 yards. 2nd and 10+ was someone else i think maybe 89stepside. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'd be interested as long as my responsibility to the team was limited. I just now finished adding sp to my team that was 2 weeks behind so trying to do more with my current schedule would be crazy. I'm barely managing set it and forget it
Feels like we could do it, just need some coaches and enough dots, can the other pee wee people chime in? It's cool if the answer is a big no. At least a season and see how it goes?

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