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Forum > FAQ's, Player Guides and Newbie Help > Offensive Packages and % procs
When setting up an Offensive package and I have many options in that package, I'm assuming if I leave at 100% each input, they all equally have a shot at being called. Then "Adjust Quick" (or whatever) will call successful plays more often, least successful less often if it's on.

This is an alternative to adjust exact % proc chances within the package where you're letting AI adjust to what results are on the field?

(I suppose it's the same for Defensive packages)
If 10 plays are set at 100%, it is treated as each play is 10%. Sim does this automatically, so I leave every play at 100%.

As far as auto adjustment, the below might not be exactly right, but I've always though of the max adjustment to be roughtly...

Very Quickly = +/- 15% per play if its maximum successful vs maximum unsuccessful
Quickly = +/- 12%
Normal = +/- 9%
Slowly = +/- 6%
Very Slowly = +/- 3%

Keep in mind I think there's granularity, so if you aren't getting a TD/INT/TKFL/Sack, maybe it adjusts by less for a 15 yard completion, idk.
thank you, this is very helpful.

Does the package adjust if in another input as well or is that input treated seperately?

Example, let's say I have a package for 1st and 10
runs 5 times and then it triggers again on an input for 3rd and 5 or something... does the package act as a fresh package when it comes to +/- chances?
Edited by dusk883 on Jun 14, 2024 11:42:56
TJ Spikes
Originally posted by dusk883
thank you, this is very helpful.

Does the package adjust if in another input as well or is that input treated seperately?

Example, let's say I have a package for 1st and 10
runs 5 times and then it triggers again on an input for 3rd and 5 or something... does the package act as a fresh package when it comes to +/- chances?

there's auto adjust within packages, and also within the base Ai

If you mean the base Ai, then the entire package counts. 1 successful play will bump the entire package up

using both auto adjusts can be super amazing or completely screw you. highly recommended to use one or the other, or maybe "very slow"

if the Ai adjusts away from an entire package you could lose money plays, just because 1 play in the package doesn't work.

conversely, if you nail a play that breaks a defense and want it called 20 times a game then doing both can be great for that.

also if using multiple packages per output, recommend to keep the number very small 2 is fine.

for example, you might have the input of 3rd and 0-2. you could have 1 package with a few different up the gut runs, maybe a couple strong side and a couple weak side or different formations. If none of those are working, you might want to have short passing plays backup. Just keep the philosophy the same.

the more complicated, the more chance for galactic screw ups

Thank you for explaining that, TJ. Lots to think about after reading that.

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