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Forum > Teams Looking For Players > Teams Looking for Coaches > Looking for an offensive tutor/coordinator for rookie
Okay I'll be frank I'm pretty terrible at running an effective offense. Since the seasons young to the point I can rearrange builds and not be penalized too bad if I need to I'd like to bring someone on to help me figure out how to run an offense that's not going to have sub 200 yard shutouts every game. I'd prefer to have someone teach me what they can while running my offense for a bit. At some point I'd most likely take over (probably at seasons end or sometime sooner). I really would prefer someone with a good amount of experience

My team at the moment is a heavily running based offense with some passing as a backup and I'd prefer to keep it that way.
i can coach, ive coached before with my old account (im sorry but i cant use it GoalBlitz please dont kick me out or somthing)

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