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Forum > Teams Looking For Players > Teams Looking for Coaches > Hazen Hellhounds - New Season 12 Team - DC Needed
Hello GLB2,

I've been out of the game for awhile (since the end of November) but I'm looking to get back into GLB2. I have my name on the waiting list. And thought it might be a good idea to start looking for a coaching staff to build a champion. Experience is preferred since I've been out of things for awhile.

A little back story, I was the owner of a team back in seasons 4-6. I had to leave the game due to some personal issues and it was without warning, so any bad blood between me and former agents on the team, I sincerely apologize. As the owner of the Creek Valley Beast and with a lot of help from Xars, we were able to capture 3 Iron League Championships. Overall league play we were 33-11.

Now I know, there might be some concerns about, me leaving my post again since I did it once. I want to make sure if you commit to my cause then I will give you my 100%

I am looking for the following positions.

Offensive Coordinator - dbill
Defensive Coordinator
Special Team Coordinator - TehKyou

If the coordinator would like to bring in someone with them to be an assistant OC/DC then I am okay with that as well.

I am all ears to any input or advice you can give as a coordinator, as far as I'm concern it's your offense or your defense I shouldn't be telling you how to do your job, but I do expect results.

General Manager is a spot that I could consider adding as well. Though, I would want someone that has a lot of experience in GLB2 and a proven track record of running a team.

I appreciate your interest and your time in reading this post. PM me with your "resumes" and any questions or concerns.

MODS if this is to early of a post for next season, I do apologize!
Edited by Kada on Jul 2, 2015 08:54:51
Edited by Kada on Jul 2, 2015 08:54:16
Edited by Kada on Jun 30, 2015 09:20:19
Edited by Kada on Jun 30, 2015 09:19:18
I can set up special teams
Awesome! Glad to have you!
Kada. Def Cord Here !!
Still looking for OC and DC, I haven't heard back from shockdisnation so that spot is still open.
I have a few seasons as a OC under my belt now. If you need me im in
dbill has agreed to become the OC, now only a DC is needed.
DC still a need for us. thanks for your time.
Check Your Inbox Kada

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