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Hey everyone i was just wonder if anyone was looking for a HC or GM because I am looking for a job for the new season. I can help the team alot. I can help a team get out of a losing streak. Also I can adjust to any offense or defense. Right now I can stop any team with a Pass Rushing Problem or a Rushing problem. Also I have a playbook that can help any team lose games.
Edited by ChiTown15 on Mar 11, 2015 06:02:00
M Tackle
If your coaching is anything like your player building woe to the team...

Seems teams fire you very quickly.
Considering your disregard for the right way to do things Im surprised anyone has given you the chance to fire you. Every forum I go into you are begging for work.
Detroit Leos
Give the guy a chance to learn the game and do the footwork. If he has enough desire to post in every possible forum/sub forum looking for work then maybe he has enough drive to learn and do well in the future. We all have to start somewhere.
Originally posted by Jagat0r
Considering your disregard for the right way to do things Im surprised anyone has given you the chance to fire you. Every forum I go into you are begging for work.

Begging for work or begging or boasting about his once again newly created free player that has never played a game
yet is the second coming of Jesus in football pads .

A person should start first as a player and actually play in some games even if it is just on a cpu team.

I'm guessing anyone who let him in behind the scenes probably didn't like what he did or realized right away
they made a mistake. Coaching isn't for everyone and just because you can offer a contract doesn't mean
you did anything but offered a contract.

I'd like to see what he would do creating his own team as the owner.

Det Leos? do you have a water boy opening you could offer him so as to quench his thirst?

Detroit Leos
Haha. I understand where you are coming from LordZ. Confidence is not a bad thing and being outspoken and talking yourself up in forums in a flashy way also is not a bad thing. Not my style but people like that are still good for the game and generate some interesting threads as long as they can take the heat that is fired back in their direction. I am a ChiTown15 supporter. Unfortunately BSB water boy positions are full at the moment but I never have an issue providing a helping hand with information and such if somebody is interested. I enjoy networking even with new players.

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