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Originally posted by ProfessionalKop

Why would you waste your 2 free players on a multi team?

Originally posted by Greg B
So theoretically you could create enough emails and accounts to create an entire league of teams

Recruiting problem solved.
27+ email accounts is just
Edited by whodey08 on Dec 9, 2012 19:01:38
Greg B
Recruiting problem solved absolutely

creating 400 emails wouldn't take that long, I've created 30 and been at it only about 5 hours.
Time Trial
Would be a pain in the ass to have to keep logging in like that.

Besides, this isn't a team of multis... they are all children living at the same orphanage who login sequentially because they only have one computer. Also why they all have the same IP address.

Easy explanation.
Time Trial
At least they went through the trouble of giving them all different names, not like the ones who use sequential numbers.
Edited by whodey08 on Dec 9, 2012 21:13:26
Greg B
Originally posted by whodey08
makes GLB look really dumb

Actually they are probably used to that feeling O_o
There is actually email services that create temporary emails that expire in a few minutes. Giving you enough time to get a confirmation email and everything. Some even automatically copy your new temp small to your clipboard

Only takes one click per email
Edited by Vic Koenning on Dec 10, 2012 01:17:52
Greg B
Originally posted by Vic Koenning
There is actually email services that create temporary emails that expire in a few minutes. Giving you enough time to get a confirmation email and everything. Some even automatically copy your new temp small to your clipboard

Only takes one click per email

As per that everyone on GLB should make 100 accounts each and lets make some free teams.
Yeah there was a team 2 seasons back I found that was a clear multi between 2, maybe 3 people. Showed support and like whodey said, they basically said thank you and left it at that. These guys didnt only log in withing seconds of each other but they were in all the same league survivors with all the same picks up to that point, which was like week 9. Support also said they couldnt just assume they were multis and needed more evidence, lol. These guys all had the same avatar pics. Several of them had the same username but a different number on the end...Thats our great support for you.
Originally posted by coreyls18
Yeah there was a team 2 seasons back I found that was a clear multi between 2, maybe 3 people. Showed support and like whodey said, they basically said thank you and left it at that. These guys didnt only log in withing seconds of each other but they were in all the same league survivors with all the same picks up to that point, which was like week 9. Support also said they couldnt just assume they were multis and needed more evidence, lol. These guys all had the same avatar pics. Several of them had the same username but a different number on the end...Thats our great support for you.

Found the team:
Not sure if its changed much, but no one ever got banned or anything done about it.
Check out one of there members

I remember the team had like 25 dif agents and every single one had no more than 3 players. And 2 of them were level 79(free players) and the 3rd player was older and level 50s, cause they were a non boosting player. So there was enough evidence everywhere. I dont mind multis at all as long as they spend money on each account. But the multis like this and like Cudi irritate me cause I actually spend my money on this game and do it the right way. Had I known I could save $1000+ by cheating like that I would have.
Edited by coreyls18 on Dec 10, 2012 11:36:47
Originally posted by coreyls18
I remember the team had like 25 dif agents and every single one had no more than 3 players. And 2 of them were level 79(free players) and the 3rd player was older and level 50s, cause they were a non boosting player. So there was enough evidence everywhere.

That's not possible, the second free player was just handed out last season, and could only be a max level of 19 right now. Not sure when the first free player was handed out, but at least one of the 79s would have had to use flex to boost. You also have to remember that any player can change his/her username every 3 seasons. I could change my name to coreyls19 if I wanted to. I'm not saying they aren't multis, but there are other factors that play into it.
sunder B
Originally posted by coreyls18
Cudi, what happened to your other thread?

lol :
Originally posted by Vic Koenning
That's not possible, the second free player was just handed out last season, and could only be a max level of 19 right now. Not sure when the first free player was handed out, but at least one of the 79s would have had to use flex to boost. You also have to remember that any player can change his/her username every 3 seasons. I could change my name to coreyls19 if I wanted to. I'm not saying they aren't multis, but there are other factors that play into it.

Yeah sorry I didnt mean two free players. I didnt relook over their profile pages before typing. Just tried to go off memory from months ago.

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