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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > HB Counter Sweep Pathing - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Constantly have seen the counter sweeps running through the LOS

What sense does it make to have the back run back into the defenders waiting for them?

If this is WAI, let us know the reasoning as to what purpose this play serves when the pathing voids any reason for using it. Unless the O-line pancakes every D-linemen, this is a wasted play and needs adjusting or thrown out altogether.

Placing here and in suggestion if this is not later considered a bug.
Edited by Mike Rogers on Sep 21, 2012 21:51:24 (NAB)
Edited by TaySC on Sep 8, 2012 18:59:39
Dr. E
That only happens when there is contain.
Constantly = 1 replay now? For it to be deemed a bug you are going to have to come up with more replays with that and proves it happens a majority of the time (like it did several seasons ago). Plus, what do you expect when the RDE is in a flat zone? For him to continue outside right in to him?

Works fine here:
Yeah, I have seen my own teams HB make some great counters at times and I have seen sometimes when they don't do so well, but I don't consider it a bug simply because players will not execute correctly on every play..... they don't in RL, so why should dawts?

Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Leaving this open for another day for further replays etc to support OP.

If not will be closed.

In OP example, its expected behaviour to cut off the outside run when facing outside contain and there is a huge gap inside, so would need significant evidence issue exsists against all types of defense to be processed.
Originally posted by Mike Rogers
Leaving this open for another day for further replays etc to support OP.

If not will be closed.

In OP example, its expected behaviour to cut off the outside run when facing outside contain and there is a huge gap inside, so would need significant evidence issue exsists against all types of defense to be processed.

Only see it (notice it) once in awhile, and when I do I am often bewildered by it. Looking at them I also notice the blockers on the edges trying to fend of the outside defender, but since blocking is still hit or miss, I think the ball carrier just decides to take his chances inside instead of the outside path designated.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
OK closing this thread out per process.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.

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