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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > CB2 bouncing - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Dr. E
Watch CB2, he's on the weak side near the hash mark.

He is assigned FB weak/zone

I've not seen this before, then again I've not looked for it.
Edited by Mike Rogers on Sep 21, 2012 22:00:13 (closed)
Looks like he just keeps getting blocked backwards and does not pursue the ball to the left side since he is in zone and is in zone delay.
Dr. E
Originally posted by voegma
Looks like he just keeps getting blocked backwards and does not pursue the ball to the left side since he is in zone and is in zone delay.

I don't see any defensive dots even getting close let alone blocking. Then again, I've having issues with the replays. Do you see a defender make contact?
Originally posted by Dr. E
Originally posted by voegma

Looks like he just keeps getting blocked backwards and does not pursue the ball to the left side since he is in zone and is in zone delay.

I don't see any defensive dots even getting close let alone blocking. Then again, I've having issues with the replays. Do you see a defender make contact?

crap was looking at CB1
Dr. E
Originally posted by voegma
crap was looking at CB1

So you are seeing CB 2 bounce, good, my video isn't worse than I thought. Sadly, I don't have any more examples with that play firing, I looked through most of my games that weren't blowouts and it only ran once.
Hmm. I missed that the first time I watched the replay as well but yeah I see that and for all I know it might have been happening more often but since it is away from the play it is hard to notice. Perhaps he needs to take a drug test hehe.

If I had to speculate, I would say that he tried to cover the FB but since the FB was already engaged with the FS he decided to go off into a zone instead but when the FS got flattened by the FB and thus leaving the FB open he decided to go cover the FB again.
It's been brought up before, i don't remember the disposition of the issue though. The CB moves back and forth until the ball carrier reached the LOS and then he's free'd up to move.

I don't think he was being pushed by anyone, he was covering the FB until the FB entered run block mode. It's possible the CB got confused at that point, or he was just kind of moving around in his zone waiting for something to happen. Once the ball reached the LOS there would be no pass so he was free'd from his zone to pursue the HB.
Dr. E
Originally posted by alindyl
It's been brought up before, i don't remember the disposition of the issue though. The CB moves back and forth until the ball carrier reached the LOS and then he's free'd up to move.

I don't think he was being pushed by anyone, he was covering the FB until the FB entered run block mode. It's possible the CB got confused at that point, or he was just kind of moving around in his zone waiting for something to happen. Once the ball reached the LOS there would be no pass so he was free'd from his zone to pursue the HB.

Yea, that's how I saw it and it's basically a version of what we are seeing with the deep zones. Which lead me to believe since it's causing defenders in even short zones near the play not to respond to a run, then it might be a bug and nothing else really wrong with how the code is suppose to work.
Seems to me that the CB matches the movement of the WR?

Any chance the CB is accidentally set to M2M on that WR? (with way too much cushion?)
Dr. E
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
Seems to me that the CB matches the movement of the WR?

Any chance the CB is accidentally set to M2M on that WR? (with way too much cushion?)

No chance, his assignment is FB weak/zone as I posted.
Black Peter
Originally posted by Dr. E
Yea, that's how I saw it and it's basically a version of what we are seeing with the deep zones. Which lead me to believe since it's causing defenders in even short zones near the play not to respond to a run, then it might be a bug and nothing else really wrong with how the code is suppose to work.

Sorry to say, I don't think it's a bug at all. I think it's WAI with the D - regardless of build - getting the shaft and having the coding cause the issue. The admins (Bert and catch) want to cater to OCs and so we now have absolutely stupid D player reaction to O plays - regardless of builds. basically they've taken D builds and made them worthless because O trumps all.
Dr. E
Originally posted by Toriq
Sorry to say, I don't think it's a bug at all. I think it's WAI with the D - regardless of build - getting the shaft and having the coding cause the issue. The admins (Bert and catch) want to cater to OCs and so we now have absolutely stupid D player reaction to O plays - regardless of builds. basically they've taken D builds and made them worthless because O trumps all.

I suggested once on the test server something slightly different than WAI. It was WAC. Working as coded, because it may not be intended. Been lots of examples of something in the bugs forum being declared WAI, only to have Bort completely redo the code the next season.
Black Peter
Originally posted by Dr. E
I suggested once on the test server something slightly different than WAI. It was WAC. Working as coded, because it may not be intended. Been lots of examples of something in the bugs forum being declared WAI, only to have Bort completely redo the code the next season.

Fine, tbh. Still, O trumps D in coding priorities, IMO. At least from what I've see the last few+ seasons. One day when there are no DCs left and no D players being made they may get the point of it. Too late, of course, but so it goes.

So many roads to ease my soul...not this one though.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
CB defaults to his end assignment = Zone
CB covers threat in his zone = WR
CB fails to identify run play = cover WR

WR tries to run at CB to block him = CB tries to cover WR (with a cushion.)

As the vision check gets easier to pass as the Hb hits the LoS that normally when the CB recognises the run play.

curretly working as intended, and per Borts last comment on it isnt changing.

Closing and Mover per process,
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.

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