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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > HB Top or Second in two receiving categories is not considered an MVP candidate? - NOT A BUG
My apologies if this is not posted in the correct space or if it has already been addressed. I am not good with these forums.

I have a HB who is leading the league in the regular season for most TD receptions and 2nd most receiving yards but is not listed as an MVP candidate. Is that because a HB can only be considered "Valuable" as a rusher and is it intentional or is this unusual and needs to be fixed? Not to mention, he does not seem to get positively reviewed in any of the awards categories.

Thanks for any insight!
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Jul 30, 2012 15:22:04
From this thread:

Comes this:

MVP Formula

Issues posted regarding the formulas used to calculate MVP's are invariably suggestions rather than Bugs. These formulas are somewhat fluid if Bort feels they need a tweak. It is rare that they do, but Season 17/18's "Punter-gate" is a prime example of this and it began with a suggestion. The formulas are working as intended unless Bort says they need a tweak based off a suggestion.

Not a bug.
Thread moved by moderator.

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