Originally posted by Boomy DTD
To think, I kicked an epic poaster like Longhornfan out of my forum b/c SA whined about him so much I grew tired of it. Then SA quit. Then our top two teams just reloaded and went back to the playoffs like he was never there.
Wat will be the off-season drama this time around? Can anything top it? I think it's time for a round of Sparkle Motion recruiting game.
You basically kicked me out because I kept on pointing out how shitty he was at building dots and coordinating and then he leaves and you guys end up doing better. I guess I was proven right.
To think, I kicked an epic poaster like Longhornfan out of my forum b/c SA whined about him so much I grew tired of it. Then SA quit. Then our top two teams just reloaded and went back to the playoffs like he was never there.
Wat will be the off-season drama this time around? Can anything top it? I think it's time for a round of Sparkle Motion recruiting game.
You basically kicked me out because I kept on pointing out how shitty he was at building dots and coordinating and then he leaves and you guys end up doing better. I guess I was proven right.