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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Three dots run away from ballcarrier - DUPLICATE
Only example of this I've seen, if I find more I will post.

The CB originally starts going the opposite direction around the 50 yard line, then the FS and then you can see the ROLB begin to do it as the ball carrier crosses the goalline.
Edited by TaySC on Aug 17, 2012 21:09:54
Edited by RyanCane26 on Jun 27, 2012 21:18:27
I see absolutely nothing wrong with this play. The FS went to a zone at the snap of the ball and once in his zone he did a vision check and saw the WR and started to cover the WR and then his next vision check saw it was a running play and he headed that direction. Rolb is set to blitz but has a vision check and once he reads its a run play he heads that direction.

Working as intended. No bug.
Watch towards the end of the play when they're chasing behind the RB
Originally posted by RyanCane26
Watch towards the end of the play when they're chasing behind the RB

fair point, that pretty much has to be a bug
I don't see this as a bug. I see three defenders trying in vain to catch the ball carrier. Remember that the graphics are an approximation, and that the dots are huge. If we can find several more replays of this behavior, that would be interesting.
The three dots in question are all above 150 speed. Now the RB may be over 160, but he was also playing the FB position and should've had a small out of position penalty. If he naturally out runs them that's fine it just looks strange to me to see the three defenders peel off of him towards the end of pursuit.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Bort has said previously that when this happens on long straight line chases, its more a visual issue.

If a Defender either tires faster than his team mates, or Closing Distance fires/ends (And in some cases First Step), it looks like they are getting in each others way, but its just a visual effect.

Often its a small adjustment in the pursuit angle that shows up as a defender falling back visually then lurching forwards, which is visual only not in the sim.

and sometimes a Defender can muff an attempt tackle roll and that stops their momentum as well.

Its not uncommon and has been looked at before, especially in the first few seasons.
I'm not sure, in looking at that replay, I cannot see how any "visual" artifact would apply to that situation since we are talking about a fallback of close to 7 yards. Even a muffed tackle attempt would not make sense since they were 5+ yards away from the ball carrier. Defenders do not suddenly tire to a stop and then speed back up to the same full speed either.

Closing Distance firing/ending is probably the only thing that would make sense in what I see of the replay cause it does look like all 3 drops happened between the 3 to 5 yard behind the carrier range (with the visual artifacts would fit the range of Closing Distance expiring and why they speed up again quicker then before).

I do not see this as a bug honestly but if it is not a case of Closing Distance then I might actually see this as a bug.
All 3 dots have 0 in Closing Speed, FWIW.
Originally posted by Mike Rogers
Bort has said previously that when this happens on long straight line chases, its more a visual issue.

If a Defender either tires faster than his team mates, or Closing Distance fires/ends (And in some cases First Step), it looks like they are getting in each others way, but its just a visual effect.

Often its a small adjustment in the pursuit angle that shows up as a defender falling back visually then lurching forwards, which is visual only not in the sim.

and sometimes a Defender can muff an attempt tackle roll and that stops their momentum as well.

Its not uncommon and has been looked at before, especially in the first few seasons.

This IMHO..... I know it is never the popular answer, but it appears a Visual issue to me.

FYI, this has been reported again and they are taking a look at tweaking it.

The other thread is more recent, but is the one Catch22 has posted in, so I am marking this one as DUPLICATE so we know.

Thread moved by moderator.

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