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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > energy settings - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Dr. E
Originally posted by gbororats
Anything with presets? Any preset dc's?

Never used the presets. Hadn't changed a thing in the depth chart or energy settings for centers in many seasons.
Dr. E
Ok, another game and both centers got a good number of plays. Not saying there isn't a bug here, because they are both still ending 98 energy despite playing 50 plays a game, including some special teams.

But, otherwise, feel free to lock this one up.
Edited by Dr. E on May 7, 2012 12:37:14
Guppy, Inc
what are their staminas? 50 plays ending at 98 definitely sounds like a bug
I think this glitch has come up before in the past, which was why i suggested clearing them from depth and re-adding them. It's been a long time since i've seen it but i believe that was the suggestion given at that time also.
Dr. E
Originally posted by Guppy, Inc
what are their staminas? 50 plays ending at 98 definitely sounds like a bug

The two non STOP centers. Both have a stamina a bit over 50.
Edited by Dr. E on May 7, 2012 18:45:05
Dr. E
Maybe it's a random thing. I just had two Dots each with 39 plays end with 100% energy.
are any GM's seeing it also? Did you try turning off greasemonkey to make sure it's not an errant script messing with the summary page?

Do the players in question have second wind and not end up playing much at the end of the game? Riding the bench + second wind kicking in might cause someone to jump back up to full energy.
Dr. E
Originally posted by alindyl
are any GM's seeing it also? Did you try turning off greasemonkey to make sure it's not an errant script messing with the summary page?

Do the players in question have second wind and not end up playing much at the end of the game? Riding the bench + second wind kicking in might cause someone to jump back up to full energy.

It was STOPS this last game, Centers most of the others, well, almost all. Centers are rarely ending below 97. I think only one Dot on offense has second wind, none of the STOPS.
Originally posted by Dr. E
Ok, another game and both centers got a good number of plays. Not saying there isn't a bug here, because they are both still ending 98 energy despite playing 50 plays a game, including some special teams.

But, otherwise, feel free to lock this one up.

I am going to lock this one up, but if anyone has further issues with this let us know and we can reopen it.

Thread moved by moderator.

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