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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Depth chart keeps getting reversed - DUPLICATE
I just thought I'd post this to see if anybody else is having this "issue". During the preseason our depth chart was completely reversed, 100% backwards from what it was set at. Only 3 people have access to the depth chart (myself being one) and everybody claimed they didnt change it and was wondering what happened.

I'm disabling permissions one at a time to see if it keeps happening. If it doesnt, obviously we have somebody trying to sand bag us. If it does, I just wanted to see if anybody else is having this issue just in case it is a bug.

Mods, I know at first glance you will determine not a bug and close it, but please give me about a week (a few games) to see if it happens again. It happened twice in a week and a half so, if it doesnt happen again in a week, I'll assume its not a bug and somebody needs dropped from the team.

I will respond again either if/when it happens again and what the permissions were set. Or in 1 week if it hasnt happened, I will respond to close.
Edited by TruthHammer on May 1, 2012 10:28:07 (Duplicate Thread)
Is this a duplicate?

@deez11010: you are most definitely not alone in this. I've been using presets to avoid the issue, but that has its own dangers. Look through the thread that IdRatherFlyFish linked and see if any of that sounds like what you're seeing.
Well, I dont know if its the same. We didnt have a preset depth chart, and it was the entire team. Not just offense or defense. It was all 3 (O,D & STs). The defense didnt have any custom slots but the offense did. It didnt just randomly put players in though, it put them in completely 100% backwards from how they were set.

The thing is they were set and everything was fine, then one day they were backwards. I left it alone for a few days because I thought the coordinators were testing their AIs with player positions during preseason. Then we changed it and saved the presets for the offense and the STs but not the defense. Two days later (3 scrims and a game) and it was reset completely backwards again for all 3 charts.

When it resets, no players are put in the custom slots and (for example) every LB was put in at every LB position.

It could be the same, I dont know.We'll see if it resets tomorrow. We have a game in 6 hours.
That sounds a lot like what frankiebee experienced.
Well, we used presets for todays game and the depth chart has not reversed itself (yet). Lets see if it does at rollover.
Still no change in the depth chart. Its still the way we set it up 2 days ago. Had the game yesterday, rollover last light and it hasnt reversed itself again (yet). I had taken away the DC's depth chart privileges (2 days ago) for that game to see if maybe it was a permissions issue. I reinstated his depth chart permissions yesterday before rollover and it hasnt changed yet. Maybe it had something to do with the DCs permissions? We'll see if it changes again in the next couple of days while he has permissions.

Ok well. Its now 6 days later since I posted this, and it has yet to get reversed again. We're using presets now, maybe that was the cause. I dont know. It hasnt reversed since I posted this thread.

Mods, you can go ahead and close this thread now if you'd like. If it happens again, I'll make a new thread and link this thread to it.
Lead Bugs Mod
I have the same problem on my team, and I'm in the middle of running a bunch of scrims to narrow down the issue. It's definitely with the default setting and works fine with the presets.

I'll leave this open for now as I continue to investigate.
I've had the same problem

my solution until fixed:
save preset and then schedule each game with said preset
Lead Bugs Mod
This is the same problem as the other one, so I'll lock this up to keep the conversation in one spot.
Edited by TruthHammer on May 1, 2012 10:27:24
Thread moved by moderator.

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