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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Anyone having trouble trying to update your depth chart - NOT A BUG
Kurt Davey
I've been trying since yesterday unsuccessfully. Every time i try it says Safari can't open page, with a bunch of coding and a message at the bottom to try back in a few minutes.

It's getting very annoying as I'd like to get the depth chart set up before games start.
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Apr 14, 2012 14:31:05

Depth Chart Limitations

There is a limit to the number of players you can put on the depth chart. When this error occurs, it is usually upon purchase of a new team or when a new GM/Coordinator tries to make changes to the depth chart. Also, if you attempt to put every player on your team on every special teams spot the submission will fail. Please click auto-reorder and update it. From there you will be able to customize it as you see fit.

- Click Auto Re-Order to resolve (Start with Special Teams as this is the most likely cause)
Kurt Davey
That did the trick, Thank you.
Thread moved by moderator.

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