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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > read threads keep showing up as unread - NOT A BUG
Is this happening to anyone else? Threads that haven't been stickied or unstickied or moved are getting marked as unread again. Happening on p much all forums my own team forum which only I can sticky. It's often not even the most recently edited threads in the forum, which makes me wonder if it's some kind of server history issue. This has been happening for the lasf 3-5 days or so and is annoying as hell.
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Apr 8, 2012 19:34:37
Edited by TrevJo on Apr 8, 2012 19:08:56
Edited by TrevJo on Apr 8, 2012 17:32:18

Not a bug.
Thread moved by moderator.

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