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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > ROLB Doesn't Cover WR1 - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
your first example is the EXACT issue i brought up so thank you for helping to prove that it is a bug.
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish

Same game - same play -- different SS behavior - I'm not seeing a definite buggy pattern here

Again -- I am able to find the same play, from the same game, where the dot in question does not seem to 'miss-behave'.

Most of the time bugs have a pattern, they repeat when the same set of circumstances is met. I'm seeing the same circumstances, but we're getting different behavior from the dots. This strongly suggests that there is not a bug, but simply a difference in play outcome. We cannot expect out dots to be perfect on every play. They will make mistakes.



Let me try and rephrase. The first play in my post above, is a post from the OP. The second play that I link, is from that SAME GAME, and proves (to me anyway) why the first play is NOT A BUG.

The 3rd play I link, is from this thread, but a different poster. I was also able to find a play FROM THAT SAME GAME, that shows the defensive dot doing exactly what he's asked to do. So, again, I am able to show to my satisfaction that this is also NOT A BUG.

Before we can classify anything as a bug, we need to show consistent miss-behavior. It only took me a few minutes with the scouting tool to show that this miss-behavior is not consistent.



I am confused is it the ROLB or the SS you are talking about......or both....
Lead Bugs Mod
We can't address multiple issues in the same thread. You brought up 3. The first one was a private scrimmage, so I'm going to ignore that one, and just focus on your 2nd issue with this replay:

Like Fish said, since the SS is capable of doing it right on the same game with the same offensive and defensive play in the example he found, this is most likely not a bug. I suspect it's probably a vision check to match the back's route. That might explain why the zone SS got it right, but the HH SS got it wrong.

I do agree that it seems to be happening more often lately. I don't think it's a code rollback. The bug fixes gbororats mentioned did not look like this. They are not the same. It's more likely that it's a side effect of one of the other recent changes, possibly this one:
Dec 19, 2011
- Reduced pass defender reaction abilities by a small amount.

I do remember this being a bigger issue prior to this update ...
Jan 23, 2011
- Improve coverage of players streaking out of the backfield, especially for LB's or Safeties covering
... but that was a change, not a fix.

I'll file it so Bort at least sees it, probably as not likely a bug, but we need more examples before we're allowed to file.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
HB/FB coverage is being addressed in the Admin Response Sub Forum, in this thread :

Changes are already being considered on Test Server, which Catch has published in that thread (Before revisions) so this thread is obsolete.

Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.

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