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Forum > Pee Wee Leagues > How much flex?
would it take to do an entire 55 man roster with boosts?

A normal 55-man non-boosting, non-custom team runs around 11K. Add another 33K to boost the entire team and then another 5.5K to get everyone CEQ, that leaves you with basically 50K in flex to do an entire team. That's an initial investment of $275 to start from scratch.

Now if you want to renew that same team season after season, you would be refunded all of your initial 11K and then 70% of the 33K boosting flex, which is 23.1K, and none of the CEQ flex. That means out of your initial investment of around 50K in flex points, 34.1K will be returned. Adding in the expense of renewing a team, that means you have to fork up around 16.5K every season to maintain a fully boosted & CEQteam of your own, and that doesn't include any scrimmages. This means that in addition to your $275 initial investment, you will have to fork over another $100-$130 every season. Since a season basically lasts 2 months, you have to come up with $50-$65 every month to play this game.

I make no comment as to if it's worth it or not as that could get me in trouble with the admins. Suffice it to say it's up to you to decide that. But I will say one owner/agent teams tend to be better than multiple agents teams mainly because as an owner or OC/DC, you have no way to force tactics or builds onto agents as they can and often do what they want, not what you want.

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