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Forum > Regional Minor Leagues > Regional Pro Leagues > Season 25 Tournament of Coalitions Information - Does your group have what it takes to be the best?
Instead of talking tough in the forums, put your groups mettle to the test and get the bragging rights you think you deserve. Join the Season 25 TOC Challenge and try to knock off the defending Champs Dotball Syndicate. The Deadline to enter is Day -3

This is the Tourney to prove your group of teams is the best in GLB or if you are a loner, you can beat all of the coalitions and claim your age group. We limit each coalition to 12 teams, but they can enter as many 12 team groups as they want. You can enter as few as 1 team and a maximum of 12 teams. This Tourney covers Casual and Regular from Pee Wee on up to World League. Pick your 12 teams wisely, every point counts.

Have your group leader PM Lewk57 to get invited to the battle. It is the responsibility of the leader to make sure all teams are entered properly in their brackets, once the brackets are set they will not be changed. Enter your teams by Day -3, check your teams and respond by Day -1, Day 0 brackets will be locked, Day 1 the Tourney begins. All are expected to abide by reasonable standards of good sportsmanship, not doing so can possibly result in the rescinding of your coalitions ability to compete.

Tournament Directors:

Assistant Tournament Directors:

Official Tournament Disputes & Resolution Arbitrator

TOC Overall Champions
Season 16, TOC I: The Combine
Season 17, TOC II: The Combine
Season 18, TOC III: GLB Addicts
Season 22, TOC IV: Dot World Order (DWO)
Season 23, TOC V: Dot World Order 1 (DWO1)
Season 24, TOC VI: Dotball Syndicate

Brackets & Trophies: We will run it as in seasons past, with trophies awarded for performance based on bracket size and placement.

Top Coalition Trophy -

Bracket Trophies
1st Place Trophy -
2nd Place Trophy -
3rd Place Trophy -
4th Place Trophy -

4 Team Entries - 1st place trophy
8 Team Entries - 1st & 2nd place trophy
16 Team Entries - 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place trophy
32/64 Team Entries - 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th place trophy

The Winning Coalition will receive the top Coalition trophy as well for every team that participated from that coalition. As well, the top Independant team in brackets 32 or larger will also receive a distinctive trophy.

Coalition Overall Standings: Points shall be awarded based on performance, bracket size and placement achieved in bracket.

6 points - 1st place in 64 brackets
4 points - 1st place in 32 brackets; 2nd place in 64 brackets
3 points - 1st place in 16 brackets; 2nd place in 32; 3rd place in 64
2 points - 1st place in 8 brackets; 2nd place in 16 brackets; 3rd place 32 brackets; 4th place in 64 brackets
1 point - 1st place in 4 brackets; 2nd place in 8 brackets; 3rd place in 16 brackets; 4th place in 32 brackets; 5th - 8th place in 64 brackets

Exact Breakdown of points calculation:
4: 1-6 teams - 1 point
8: 7-11 teams - 2 points
16 12-24 teams - 3 points
32: 25-47 - 4 points
48+ : 6 points

So, a basic rule of 25% shall be enforced on each age level for the % of each coalition in a particular bracket.

For instance, in a bracket of 4, 1 team from any given coalition, bracket of 8, 2 teams from any given coalition, bracket of 16, 4 teams, etc...

There are 23 total potential brackets, counting casual, regular and peewee. With that in mind, we shall restrict each coalition to no more than 12 teams, so choose which team will represent your coalition wisely.

Scheduling of Games:

1. Higher seed is responsible for sending challenge. However, either team may send the scrim request.
2. Regular season games, IF and only IF they are within the rounds time frames, may be substituted, and then only if both owners agree.
3. If you have all 6 scrim slots taken up, and cannot possibly get your tourney game complete in the appropriate timeframe, you can be forfeited for your round.

Please Follow schedule If we get early games in, keep the pace going.
1st round games will be played before day 6.
2nd round games will be played before day 10
3rd round will be played before day 14.
4th round games will be played before day 18.
5th round games will be played before day 22
6th round games will be played before day 26.
7th round games before day 30.

When you set up the scrimmage please select these and only these options:

[x]This friendly is ranked and should be taken seriously
[ ] Results are viewable by the participants only
[x] Use playoff-style overtime rules
[ ] Enable home team abilities
[ ] Enable salary-based morale bonuses

Tie Breakers:
1st - Total Trophies
2nd - Total 1st Place Trophies, then 2nd Place Trophies and so on
3rd - Winning % of the Coalition
Edited by Lewk57 on Oct 16, 2011 00:04:04
guam is in

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