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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > THUNDERDOME - Burnt Orange style
Originally posted by lc512
Originally posted by Ag06

That must be the proof that each and every aggie is retarded and that each and every longhorn is a genius. Thank you lc512 for opening my eyes.

Here's to you, Mr. "tries to make an age-old rivalry way too friendly" guy.

REAL MEN OF GENIUSS (reall men of geeeennniuuss)

Originally posted by Ag06
that's pathetic. aggies jokes, horns jokes... that's clever.
here's an idea for you - why not being intelligent and keep this bitter rivalry for the thanksgiving game on the football field (where it should be) and just coexist for the 364 other days in the year ? We are lucky to have 2 great academic institutions in Texas - each with their own past and particularities, but each representing what Texas is all about. I'm proud to be an Aggie (grad school) and I'm proud to have many Longhorn friends
This childish rivalry is embarrassing. Make some noise at Kyle or DKR, wear Maroon or Orange - outside, act like an adult. please.

This might work, except that lately the good 'ole Aggies have had a pathetic football team, then find a way to win against Texas, and then brag all off-season about how awesome they are and how great they will be next year! So, we just laugh and pat you on the head 364 days a year. I think there is a bit of pity in our sarcasm.

that's what I mean - this rivalry should stay on the football field - we know our football team sucked for the past few years, we obviously would love to have a 2005 National Champions sticker on our bumper, and we enjoyed the last 2 thanksgiving games - and will gladly rub it in your faces when you say that you are the only significant football school in TX. However, I'd love the rivalry not to go on the extra-athletics ground, with people insulting each other over their education. That's what I find pathetic. Having a bit of trash talking about a football game is fun, about education not so much.
Anyways, I don't know why I even opened my mouth in this discussion. Have fun with the aggie jokes.

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