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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > LOT diving in against no one.... ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Originally posted by Otega
Nibs, that stuff is cosmetic from what I understand. The replay doesn't start pre-snap, it's already started when you pull the play up.

My question was more on the 2 replays that showed the LOT diving in and down toward the guard, allowing the slow RDE to just straight run at the QB.

Yes, it's cosmetic. I was responding to bug, who said essentially "but it only happens to one of our teams!" I was demonstrating that it's perfectly normal and happens to more than just the one team.
And back to the main topic, my opinion is that whenever the OT moves a lot faster than the DE at the beginning of the play, the DE might end up far enough away that he's not "seen" as a threat anymore. Then the OT sees the DT breaking a block and takes a step that way to help, leaving the DE's path clear, and he sometimes can't recover in time.

I'm not sure if the OT isn't doing a proper pre-snap read of the rushers, in which case maybe it's a vision issue (but we should see an eye icon if that's the case, in my opinion). My gut feeling is that the OT doesn't attempt to locate rushers until he finishes his drop back, unless he's basically run into by the rusher. (or maybe he can make a vision check to break out of the drop back mode, i think most scripted portions of plays have a "vision check to abort" function). In that case, maybe higher vision would "see" the DE that's farther away, but I'm not sure that's a desirable outcome. Maybe the code should change so the OT does a pre-snap read of the rushers and has a "primary assignment" that he looks for after he completes his drop back - so the OT would say "Hey I probably need to get the RDE" and then after the drop back, check the DE and say "Nope, he's not blocked right now, and still seems to be blitzing, he's my guy" before scanning other options. Not sure what that would do to certain blitzes, any significant changes like that would need offseason testing to make sure there's no exploit blizting made available.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by NiborRis
And back to the main topic, my opinion is that whenever the OT moves a lot faster than the DE at the beginning of the play, the DE might end up far enough away that he's not "seen" as a threat anymore. Then the OT sees the DT breaking a block and takes a step that way to help, leaving the DE's path clear, and he sometimes can't recover in time.

I'm not sure if the OT isn't doing a proper pre-snap read of the rushers, in which case maybe it's a vision issue (but we should see an eye icon if that's the case, in my opinion). My gut feeling is that the OT doesn't attempt to locate rushers until he finishes his drop back, unless he's basically run into by the rusher.

This is pretty much what I was thinking too. If so, there should be some more replays of similarly built DEs vs. similarly built OTs.
Should change that DE's name to Off-Speed Pitch. He's got a really sneaky okie doke thing going there.

You see this all the time (LT above), it is a result of a too big drop back step. Speedy OL with FS have a tendency to do it more.
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Oct 15, 2011 18:12:49
Edited by tragula on Oct 15, 2011 15:28:29
Edited by tragula on Oct 15, 2011 15:28:15
Originally posted by tragula

You see this all the time (LT above), it is a result of a too big drop back step. Speedy OL with FS have a tendency to do it more.

Private scrim - we can't see 'em
One could make an argument either why I think.

First Step maybe forces the OT to drop back to quickly, then 'ignores' the DE as suggested above. The fix-ur-build answer would be to not have first step ... the 'its-a-bug' answer would be that the LT should not completely loose track of the DE (as it seems he is doing) and should maintain his proper location in the pass-protection pocket.

We will need more replays and the builds of the DE's and OT's in question.

I'm moving this to NMI.

Thread moved by moderator.
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
Private scrim - we can't see 'em

You don't need my replay, just look at any team you are on. This is just the way the OT are scripted, a drop step and if nothing to do they turn inside. It only change when the OT is going for a LB. If the DE is fast enough, he may get to the OT during the drop back making the replay look normal.

12th MIManITW
I'm getting tired of watching this happen once or twice a game

More from this current season.
This isn't right and needs to be fixed.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread is now obsolete, various blocking code changes added to the changelog.

Closing this thread (Obsolete and Inactive), any recurrances will require a new thread.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Thread moved by moderator.

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