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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > How Does a Defensive Player get listed First in the Game Summary when he has only 2 Tackles.... - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
This game summary.....

The SS is listed first even though he has no Tackles. There is a CB that is listed as a highlight player for the game, and he is all the way down on the list at number 9.

That CB had 5 Tackles, with 2 Interceptions for 2 TD's.

Something is a little wonky here..... This seems to weight KL very high.
because the default sort is on KL (knocked loose)
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Aug 23, 2011 11:27:58
The order isn't really trying to say anything by the order there. If you don't like how it's arrange you can sort by any of the columns to change it. If you want it ordered by tackles, click TK.

Perhaps by default it sorts first by KL, then TK. Not sure this really can be considered a bug. More like a suggestion.

Remember, the box score isn't a ranking of players, it just lists what everyone did. It's sortable so if you don't like how it looks by default, change what it's sorting by.
Not a bug.

Locked and moved.
Thread moved by moderator.

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