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Forum > CB Club > KR/PR Club > level 33 CB pr/kr specialist
he isnt producing as well as previous returners ive made but he is in a competitive league and goes against some great coordinators. im not sure how to get him out of this slump of a season hes having. should i just use all my SP from natural leveling and boosting to get my his speed up? took me forever to find 1 piece of Ae ( not equipped since i cant upgrade it... ) spent bonus tokens on upgrading his training abilities.

he has full CE (+6 speed, +1 speedster tree)
144 days old
70in. (5'10") Weight: 170lbs
Strength: 38.36
Blocking: 8
Speed: 103.32 (+26)
Tackling: 12
Agility: 69.99
Throwing: 8
Jumping: 18.69
Catching: 8
Stamina: 40.99
Carrying: 33.32
Vision: 63.65
Kicking: 8
Confidence: 32.36
Punting: 8

Shutdown Corner Abilities
Speedster Abilities
first step- 2
change direction- 1
return spec- 1
blitz- 1
closing speed- 1
Additional Abilities

special teamer- 7
Gotta be faster than that. You can get away with 135 speed (which is about where you end up with level 72) today, but I doubt that lasts much longer with the new crop of dots.

I'm not sure that's your production problem, though. Speed can actually be a liability at mid levels because mid-level OL tend to get outrun by glaciers. Production for KRs is highly dependent on your ST coordinator and blockers.

Blocker fail -
And again -

In fact, your team's ST depth charts are a mess. Open spots, WRs/HBs and defenders blocking, etc. The WRs might be forgiven if your OL is too slow to do the job, but open spots and non-STOP defenders are a big no-no.
3 Problems, just being honest so dont take it personal

1. Not enough SPD or Agility for his lvl
2. U put points into SAs way too early in his build.
3. U worked on STR/CONF and Stam too early in his training regime.

I have a corner (same lvl) who is also a returner so it was easy to compare builds and pick out what i felt was off in my own opinion at least. I would cap SPD to 81 and then get agility up to 77 before moving on to other areas. Some people may tell u to go 83 SPD since its lacking but i think 81 is enough.

GL !!
not taking anything personally thanks guys illl work on his speed for sure. and i have no idea how to set up the special teams, im just the STCo cuz my guy is the returner and its better than just being a gm
for comparison and your guys has 4 levels on me plus 1 more equipment upgrade

Physical Attributes
Strength: 25.6
Speed: 110.4 (+26)
Agility: 68.4
Jumping: 16.6
Stamina: 39.4
Vision: 34.4
Confidence: 18.6

Football Skills
Blocking: 8
Catching: 8
Tackling: 6
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 40.4
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Shutdown Corner Abilities
Swat Ball: 0
Sticky Hands: 0
Superior Vision: 0
Smooth Operator: 0
Shutdown Coverage: 0

Speedster Abilities
First Step: 1
Change Direction: 1
Return Specialist: 4
Blitz: 1
Closing Speed: 1

Additional Abilities
Spin: 0
Veteran Abilities
Special Teamer: 5

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