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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > LB cant get in position, runs away -ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #703

lb misses hb (which is not my issue) but instead of chasing hb downfield he continues upfield than runs out of bounds.

the issue cant be him turning around cuz their would be no logic in taking the 5 yards upfield to turn around. the lb is not blocked towards upfield either.

momentum really is far fetched too. he misses the tackle around the 42 and runs out of bounds around the 36 37.

he also misses the tackle behind the LT and close to the hashmarks, why would him turning around or his momentum force him to the sidelines?

low vision is also common excuse, but thats even out of the picture, no vision low enough has a runner run past you and you still run 10 yards past the line of scrimmage.

will look for more replays, or threads.

found in a thread about qbs

Originally posted by Sirwin

Originally posted by Catch22

Per Bort:

If they are still circling a waypoint behind the line of scrimmage, then it's broke/a bug. If they are moving around beyond the line of scrimmage they need to do something either with their tactics (elusive setting) or build (agility primarily).

Since the plays at issue in the OP proceed past the LOS before the circling occurs, this is not a bug.

Originally posted by Androth

These all have to do with this:

Catch has said that the fix put in here:
May 8, 2011
- Address issue with very low agility players getting stuck circling path waypoints on certain plays

Is as far as they are going to go with this, and that the remainder of these are build/tactics issues.

if the fix was may 8th, the problem is still happening and might need to be revisited.
the play is a custom defensive play and the ROLB responsibility is to blitz
Edited by Husker2 on Jun 11, 2011 11:36:28 (3rd response)
Edited by j_reimy on Jun 3, 2011 14:31:57 (Changed classification)
Edited by rehash on Jun 3, 2011 12:05:37
Edited by Androth on Jun 3, 2011 10:11:35 (NOT LIKELY A BUG)
Edited by rehash on Jun 3, 2011 00:43:40
probably because he's so fast with no vision
It's the high speed and low agility.
Originally posted by Mightyhalo
It's the high speed and low agility.

This. Agility allows a player to make tighter turns relative to their speed. He is going too fast to turn as necessary and makes a long arc while attempting to slow down and turn. This is a side affect of building players one stat at a time. It is still probably the best way to build a player that you want to be good at high levels, but it causes them to do silly things at low levels.

Edited by Androth on Jun 3, 2011 10:11:46
Edited by Androth on Jun 3, 2011 10:06:47
Originally posted by Androth
This. Agility allows a player to make tighter turns relative to their speed. He is going too fast to turn as necessary and makes a long arc while attempting to slow down and turn. This is a side affect of building players one stat at a time. It is still probably the best way to build a player that you want to be good at high levels, but it causes them to do silly things at low levels.


This. He doesn't have the agility needed to quickly turn around move back towards the HB. He is actually turning around, but since the agility is low it takes a wide angle to make the turn which makes the LB go out of bounds.
well than this working as intended has no RL logic

noone would run further away to turn around. they would stop and reverse direction.

at the beginning of the play the rolb blitzes towards the qb as intended, his low vision makes him realize the play too late. and he starts to dart outside. when he starts to go outside the hb is already ALMOST past him. a click later the hb is too outside and the rolb who was going for the tfl is already out of position. what logic would make the rolb think let me keep running forward to turn around?

also about him turning up field after the big loop, theres no evidence as he never gets back on the field.

Same scenario?
Originally posted by rehash
well than this working as intended has no RL logic

Having tons of speed and no agility has no RL logic either. Do you want to be able to customize how you build your player or do you want to be forced to train spd/agil/vis equally so your dots don't do silly things at low levels. Pretty simple choice imo.
Originally posted by arownsu

Same scenario?

Most likely, but you didn't provide the build.
This is common for builds that have high speed with low agility...we see it all the time. Verifying as not likely a bug.
How is having tons of speed and no agility not RL logic

Agility is ability to change your bodys movements without losing control or balanace of your body

That has nothing to do with speed. They are a ton of athletes that only have straight line speed and arent agile.

Just beacuase u see it all the time doesnt mean its not a bug.

The logic should be for the dot to stop and than chase. Not to make a circle.

If the dot has low agility than it takes him longer to start after he stops.

And its not a low vision issue cuz even with his low vision he identifies the play outside cant get there in time and identifies he has to turn around. The bug is the turning around logic.

If someone runs by you why would u run five yards away from them to turn around and start to chase them?
Think of the agility drill "suicide" sprints back and forth extended distance everytime.

You are taught to stop touch the floor and turn and sprint back.

Not to make a circle around the point and turn back.

The ability to that is agility.

If you dont have agility you stop touch the ground and lose balance trying to turn around.

Your lack of agility doesnt make u pass the distance and slowly turn.

That drill is 100% this play he goes to his blitz point realizes the play is the other way and turns.
cool thanks guys
Originally posted by j_reimy
This is common for builds that have high speed with low agility...we see it all the time. Verifying as not likely a bug.

this, it isnt insanely common but it does happen. I am closing as ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Thread moved by moderator.

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