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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Bug with the SS coverage on this play - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #709
Androth lol

TH has the better explanation
Originally posted by zero
Androth lol

TH has the better explanation

Actually we have the same explanation. Which I pm'd to the previous person who didn't believe me. It is just worded differently. I defined what was referring to as mirroring.

Originally posted by Androth
No, at that level and with that build they do exactly what I said. They are attempting to anticipate where the player is headed because they don't have the agility to play tight coverage.

Originally posted by TruthHammer
When a defender is in man coverage, they attempt to intercept the receiver's path at a point slightly in front of them.

If you want to say his is easier to understand for you than mine is, that's fine.
Edited by Androth on Jun 21, 2011 23:54:34
Edited by Androth on Jun 21, 2011 23:52:14
Edited by Androth on Jun 21, 2011 23:51:36
I agree with what Truth Hammer said here.

To back up what the two bugs mods have said in this thread, we have tried to FILE this issue before and it was turned down and re-marked NOT A BUG due to the powers that be insisting its the low agility and low vision, and we were provided with links to prove the point being made.

Show us a player with High Speed, Agility, and Vision doing this on defense and we'll have more to work with.

This issue is NOT A BUG. Closing and marking thread file, and bugzilla file.
Thread moved by moderator.

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