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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > FB Screen Goalline blocking - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG

I've seen several times where the TE continues to run down field even though there aren't ANY blockers in front of him. I would assume any sensible football player would stay behind looking for a block?
Edited by Androth on May 13, 2011 22:54:03 (NOT A BUG)
Edited by j_reimy on May 13, 2011 11:28:10 (Changed Classification)
Edited by VolBrian on May 13, 2011 08:41:28 (Not likely a bug and filed)
Rocky Top
I honestly do not see any issues here. There is no one for him or the HB to block at the LOS so they move down the field to creat a path. Basically like every screen play I've ever seen irl.

I will, however, file this in BZ and allow for more discussion if anyone else disagrees.

Not likely a bug - filed
I agree with VB on this one. Seems like he doesn't see a threat at LoS and heads down field. He does turn to come back 1 or 2 ticks before the tackle.
Verifying as not likely a bug
Rage Kinard
I'm not saying it is a bug because it is the way the SIM is coded


I don't know where you guys learned to play football or if you ever did, but when I was playing and was lead blocking, if there was nobody down the field to block, I didn't run straight down the field. expecting someone to magically appear in front of me Instead I turned and looked for someone coming from the inside so I could pick up those defenders and try to keep them from getting to the ball carrier.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
I'm not saying it is a bug because it is the way the SIM is coded


I don't know where you guys learned to play football or if you ever did, but when I was playing and was lead blocking, if there was nobody down the field to block, I didn't run straight down the field. expecting someone to magically appear in front of me Instead I turned and looked for someone coming from the inside so I could pick up those defenders and try to keep them from getting to the ball carrier.

This +infinity
1) Look to lead block, if nobody is there proceed to 2
2) Turn inside and try to seal the edge
A couple good suggestions, but not a bug.
Thread moved by moderator.

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