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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > I Trap Counter Left - Guard Doesn't Pull - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - CLOSED - #678
Originally posted by ptompkins
The guard didn't pull 5 times, how the frack is it not a bug? The play design clearly shows the FB stepping up into the gap the guard left and the play clearly shows the guard pulling around the side. Now my runners are getting clobbered on this play because NO ONE IS BLOCKING on the left side.

That's fracked up. Just saying.

LMAO Pwned IRL !! Guess we pay a fortune to go beg for something that's been needing addressed for several seasons now . Like I said I am not only posting my points here. ptompkins you have pointed out the bug in the traps its all over the damn place including several other plays. Why should I suggest something that's clearly the players are not acting like a offense lineman. Like I said most my newer guys are level 31's almost half done and once there done ((Retired)) if this BS stuff is still going on I will take my cash else were and build 1 Punter/Kicker at a time till I run those flex out here maybe in the next 3/5 years you all will have it figured out or when you can find someone that understands how a offense lineman reacts and plays his role in the offense. It doesn't have to be spent here I choose to play/pay because I enjoy the game and its ideal is awesome but taking away from us AEQ/Vets and not addressing anything that's needed fix forever isn't something that should be happening IMHO.

Any ways I am done I just felt I needed to add to ptompkins points on the guards not pulling and post my thoughts on the whole thing. Have Nice DAY
Originally posted by Truka
LMAO Pwned IRL !! Guess we pay a fortune to go beg for something that's been needing addressed for several seasons now . Like I said I am not only posting my points here. ptompkins you have pointed out the bug in the traps its all over the damn place including several other plays. Why should I suggest something that's clearly the players are not acting like a offense lineman. Like I said most my newer guys are level 31's almost half done and once there done ((Retired)) if this BS stuff is still going on I will take my cash else were and build 1 Punter/Kicker at a time till I run those flex out here maybe in the next 3/5 years you all will have it figured out or when you can find someone that understands how a offense lineman reacts and plays his role in the offense. It doesn't have to be spent here I choose to play/pay because I enjoy the game and its ideal is awesome but taking away from us AEQ/Vets and not addressing anything that's needed fix forever isn't something that should be happening IMHO.

Any ways I am done I just felt I needed to add to ptompkins points on the guards not pulling and post my thoughts on the whole thing. Have Nice DAY

I am not trying to upset you. I'm just saying, from where I stand, I can see how the players aren't pulling based on what they see in all of those replays, and what we've seen in the Changelog recently. Am I missing something?
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
I am not trying to upset you. I'm just saying, from where I stand, I can see how the players aren't pulling based on what they see in all of those replays, and what we've seen in the Changelog recently. Am I missing something?

No Iam not upset man its going to take lot more than GLB to do that trust me I am not very good at Text Type I sorta come off sometimes in a pissed mood or something LOL .I am not going to lose any sleep I will just take it out on some kid in Friday Night Fight Championship on PS3 but damn PS3 is still down LOL. No man I just wanted this looked out after building several OLineman and pretty good ones I think it just gets on your nerves seeing him make stupid blocks when ya Pushing good build ya know. I know if it were me in and coach showing the film he would be foaming at the mouth LMAO!!! .

I found a link over in Suggestions ptompkins posted up guess I can post link of this over there no way I feel like posting all this again...
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by wchs63
I agree, Im an OC in High School and I run the Wing T... we need to get someone to code the blocks that understands what needs to be done

Then we need someone to come in and explain to Bort how defense works
Rocky Top
Yes, there are likely better ways this particular play could be coded, but as of right now, and from all indications in the changelog and elsewhere it is currently correctly working as it was coded.

Therefore, we can't consider it as a bug and it would need to be a suggestion to change the correctly working code.

Closed as not a bug
Rocky Top
Thread moved by moderator.

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