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Forum > Trading Block > Lvl 72 Def Tackle!! Just hitting decline!
looking for a STOP or 2 that are a little younger. I just love this guys equipment and cant see sellign it off to make him an average STOP.. Been a great rock in the middle and will have a 1 more year of quality play..Pms prefered...thanks

Physical Attributes
Strength: 126.8 (+36)
Speed: 78.31
Agility: 101.8 (+13)
Jumping: 38
Stamina: 57.31
Vision: 69.92
Confidence: 62.31

Football Skills
Blocking: 17.09
Catching: 8
Tackling: 77.8
Throwing: 8
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 8

Special Abilities
Pass Rusher Abilities
The Glare: 0
Shed Blocks: 0
Swat Ball: 0
Strong Base: 0
Big Sack: 0

Run Stuffer Abilities
Wall: 9
Break Through: 3
Snarl: 9
Big Hit: 2
D-Line General: 1

Additional Abilities
Relentless Pursuit: 2
Veteran Abilities
Bull Rusher: 15
Heavyweight: 15
Pass Rusher: 5
Pocket Crusher: 15
Streaky: 15

Current Bonuses/Penalties
Make tackle chance: +36.5%
Break block chance: +42%


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