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Forum > K/P Club > Rate My K/P > level 55.. where do I go from here
just trained confidence over and just rolled over to level 55. Do I need to take vision/confidence any higher? I'm technician but should I got strength up to 77 or 81? Do you take agility/jumping past 48 or stop at first cap? Think I have 1 in each SA, the rest is from AEQ. He is first in league in punting right now (almost 46 yards/kick) so I know he is fine, just don't want to mess him up at the end :-)

Thanks for any help.

Ihit Coffincorner Jr. (Lv. 55 P)
Ht/Wt: 6'2", 190lbs

Experience, Skill Points, and Cash
Money: $0
Daily Salary: $8200
Skill Points: 6
Training Points: 2
Bonus Tokens: 187
Veteran Points: 0
Next Level: 78/1000

Physical Attributes
Strength: 72.65
Speed: 11.09
Agility: 37.04
Jumping: 41.04
Stamina: 12.39
Vision: 81.48
Confidence: 82.78

Football Skills
Blocking: 8
Catching: 8
Tackling: 8.61
Throwing: 11.7
Carrying: 8
Kicking: 8
Punting: 135.78 (+37)

Special Abilities
Punting Abilities
Calm Nerves: 1
Hang Time: 5
Big Boot: 4

Additional Abilities
Wrap Up Tackle: 0
Veteran Abilities
Swagger: 9
Clutch: 15
Nail in the Coffin: 15

Current Bonuses/Penalties
Confidence: +3.73
Looks like a good build. I wouldn't focus too much on the technician vs. boomer thing.

Vision and confidence are solid.

Your call on strength. I would leave it as is or take it to the next cap and be done with it.

I like agility to 68 then jumping to 48 then speed to 48. If anything is left over in the end I would tack it on to jumping.

Train stamina into the 20's and work your SA's in to get them in the 10-12 range. I'm a fan of Streaky when you can swap out 15 during the reset but others will disagree. Anyways, that should all be doable. Should be a nice career in the pro's or wl for him.

agree with mpjacobs1. vision and confidence are good where they are. i would take strength up there to 81 also, what else is there going to be that is more important?

agility, jumping, speed, just like mpjacobs1 said.

looks good, man!
thanks... wasn't sure if anymore in vision/confidence would be worth anything.... work on strength and agility next then.

thanks again for the input.
My opinion:

Drop Swagger for Soccer Star
Str to 81
whatever it takes to get 10s across the board in SAs, but only if you're planning on an AE in each slot. If not I wouldn't go past natural 6 on CN.
First caps on Agi/Jum/spd
Train Spd/Sta
actually put last 2 into soccer star. Think I just missed seeing it when I started putting into swagger. I'll switch it all over to soccer star next season. Training agility now to first cap... Will put sp into strength to take it up more.

Would you recommend going back to swagger once soccer star is maxed or is the extra confidence not worth it? What other va's would be good for a punter?
I'm unconvinced that confidence that high is necessary but I dont know for sure. My current up and coming punters will decide my opinion on it. Currently, I'd rate genius above it, and if you're on a bad team, Big Heart is fabulous for stat whores

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