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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Blitz Pickup Audible Options wont set. - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Originally posted by Androth
My IE8 works fine both ways.
If I update it in Basic, then it changes it for you in the OAI.
If I update it in the OAI, then it changes it for me in Basic.

Does anyone have a different version of IE to test this with?

IF i change it in the OAI , and hit update, it does NOT change it unless the Basic settings are set as desired.

Btw, i tested this at home with FF , and the results were the same as IE at work.

Edited by Androth on Apr 16, 2011 03:19:46 (ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG)
What we are trying to tell you is that this only seems to be happening for you and not for anyone else. I will move this to NMI to see if anyone else has the issue, but right now it appears it is something in your setups that is the problem, and not a problem with the GLB page.

Does the checkbox for "Enable Offense AI (required for these settings to work)" have a checkmark in it?
Edited by Androth on Apr 2, 2011 12:57:04
Originally posted by crave681
good point sir. ....

In a past life (about 10 years ago) I had a user call in complaining about his monitor being black. When he was asked to restart the computer, he said he couldn't find the switch since it is dark due to a electrical blackout (true story).

Asking stupid question is part of any problem solving, no need to take it personal.
No other users have reported this as an issue.

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