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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > PR blocking PP going throught players - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - CLOSED - #617
As long as you realize that people are going to miss blocks now and then regardless of how good a blocker they are, so if he fails once and does it fine twice it's still most likely him just missing a block.
i can show you examples of missed blocks and that is not what this is. the player either shrinks or if its a total whip on the block they do not completely cover the other dot.

here is an example of a missed block

2 back wedge players miss blocks. the way you can tell they miss is that the dot they are supposed to block occupies part of the same space as them, the key here is that they dont fully eclipse the dot they are supposed to block.

in the other replays i linked the blocker fully eclipses the player they are supposed to block with no result. that is not a missed block, it is a coding error allowing 2 players to occupy the same exact space on the field at the same exact time without any effect.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by im317
it is a coding error allowing 2 players to occupy the same exact space on the field at the same exact time without any effect.

They are not occupying the same space. This is a common misconception. When the game is being simmed, the two dots' exact positions may be separated by a very small amount. When the sim gets visualized, the field has a defined number of positions along the x and y coordinates. Their actual position needs to be rounded to the nearest point. This rounding can occasionally cause dots to look like they occupy the space when they do not.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
They are not occupying the same space. This is a common misconception. When the game is being simmed, the two dots' exact positions may be separated by a very small amount. When the sim gets visualized, the field has a defined number of positions along the x and y coordinates. Their actual position needs to be rounded to the nearest point. This rounding can occasionally cause dots to look like they occupy the space when they do not.

im aware of this and it is why missed blocks show the players occupying some of the same space. however there are enough coordinates that 2 dots should never occupy 100% of the same space unless they are engaged. also if there really were not enough points then the replay system needs to be improved. sad that 21 seasons in we cant get an accurate picture of whats going on. then again it took what 16 seasons to get FG and XP replays so i shouldn't be surprised.
Edited by im317 on Mar 21, 2011 21:56:40
Rocky Top
As I've stated in the referenced threads, I believe these to be nothing more than missed blocks. Especially considering they are defensive players.

I will verify and close as not a bug.

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