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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > WR2 Ignores CB when blocking on Pro Set HB Sweep - NOT LIKELY A BUG - #616 - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
I saw one of these in this morning's scrimmage.
Gonna re-watch it and find the play for you

edit... went back through and watched everything out of pro set, and couldn't find it again.
Mine must have been out of a different formation.
Edited by stromstarhammer on Mar 20, 2011 08:23:19
Originally posted by whodey08
Happens all the time to be quite honest with just about all formations. Most good defenses simply place the safeties to the inside of the WR because on all sweeps and pitches the WR will go after the Safety every time and leave the CB sitting there waiting.

Yeah this has been a defensive tactic for quite some time now against outside runs, although it does leave you vulnerable to other types of plays.
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by bug03
It has to do with the positioning of the SS and his proximity to the LOS.

This is right. It happens all the time and appears to be design. Since player position is so dynamic. it's not as simple as "block the man across from you." There's got to be some kind of logic to determine the greatest threat. The CB determined the SS to be the greatest threat. In the same position, if the SS were set to blitz, the TE might not have been able to get there.
I'm sold on the position of the SS/FS and CB's. We have consistent results, so
I believe this is working as designed and not a bug.


Locked and moved. PM to OP.
Edited by IdRatherFlyFish on Mar 21, 2011 14:51:01

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