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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > SS Not Making Secondary Read - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - # 581
On all of these plays the SS was set to

HB Strong - TE - Blitz

On all 3 plays the HB was Primary by default but the progression was custom and the HB Blocked. The SS did not go to the TE and just blitzed. I have changed my progression to Zone instead of Blitz but the bug still needs to be addressed.

I believe it has to do with the HB blocking or with a HB who is primary as the HB is in smash blocking and the SS reading him as a receiver because he is primary even though he is not in the route. I have included the one play where the HB went weak to show there was no issue there.

HB Blocks but is Primary on Shotgun Smash

HB Out Weak
Edited by Catch22 on Aug 10, 2011 17:40:25
Edited by TaySC on Mar 9, 2011 16:23:36
Edited by Androth on Feb 28, 2011 19:59:30
Edited by Androth on Feb 28, 2011 19:57:33 (NEEDS 3RD)
Edited by Mike Rogers on Feb 25, 2011 19:04:51 (2nd Response Verified)
Very interesting, certainly looks like the same exact defense in each of those situations..... 3-2-6 backside CB blitz on 3rd and long except as you said the SS doesn't do what you ask of him.

Your thought on why he possibly just blitzes instead of covering the TE as his next read is a possibility.

Since this all happened in a game today I'd be curious to see if you had more replays of this play in particular in action earlier this season. Also, just to take a look at the play again in question and possibly get the vision numbers on the SS as I suspect other bugs mods may add that it was just a failed vision check.
I have been using this primary/secondary on HB strong/weak all season. I believe this will be related to the HB being the primary by default and him blocking because

A) He was set to block (most likely)
B) He was set to and the play said "use play default" and the HB blocked by play default. (possible)
C) He audibled and kept the HB in (unlikely)

Hell I'm going to ask the other owner.
Sent the following to the opposing OC from this game.

In the above play my SS was supposed to cover your HB Strong and then your TE and then blitz, he blitzed all 3 times you ran this play. I reported it as a bug. We are trying to figure out why it occurred. I have a good idea about it and believe it is because the HB who is primary by default was blocking. Could you answer a couple quick questions for me?

The play is Shotgun Smash.

1. Did you use default QB checkdown or did you use "QB order checkdown override"

1a) If you used the override was the HB included on it?

2) Your HB blocked on all 3 of these plays like this. How was he set in the OAI or Off packages? Use Play Default, Pass Block or Run Route?

2a) If you have him set to play default or run route do you have "Allow QB to hold back HB to pass block" set to yes or no?

Thanks for your help, I'll be forwarding the response to rocklee711 the bug mod guy.

If the SS fails a vision check he will blitz. It'd go like this.

HB is blocking ->check vision for TE-> vision check fail -> default(blitz)

Unless this happens every time the HB blocks this is likely what occurred. We'll wait for the extra info before doing anything further though.
Got GM Access and some other info from VenomCoach recently.... will take a look at this to make a better determination.
So some of the info I've gathered.

1. SS that's in question in all of those replays, has 39.03 vision so obviously that's low.

2. Defensive play design is confirmed - SS is assigned to the HB Strong then to the TE and then would blitz (though that's been recently changed back to zone).

3. Per Venom Coach and I confirmed this as well.... the opposing OC in the play that used the Shotgun smash route had custom targeting as: TE, TE, TE, TE, WR3 and the HB is assigned to pass block for that play.

4. I tried looking at previous and games after that and none of the teams used Shotgun smash play before even saying they kept the RB in to block so I had nothing to really compare it to.

However, did catch these replays that had the HB stay in and block:

Again Venom Coach's issue is he feels that since HB is the primary on Shotgun smash it had something to do with it and it certainly is strange that in ALL 3 replays in the game where Shotgun Smash is used the SS failed the vision check supposedly each time but then against every other play he covered like he was supposed to.

I'm going to go ahead and list this as a possible bug then and have other bug mods chime in.

Just think it may not be a coincidence that with that particular shotgun smash played the SS failed his vision check all 3 times it happened and then with everything other replay I've watched with that particular defensive play - the SS covers the TE as he should even if the HB stays in to block
Edited by rocklee711 on Feb 24, 2011 10:37:26
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Good details, Verified.

Cant rule out the vision check fail, but for it to be consistent three out of three times, and then work correctly when Primary is on route looks like good support for a possible bug.

Not sure of the reason, but this is not the first issue we have had with progressions defaulting to final action when there are issues with primary read dont think any of those thread made it past one replay though.
Definitely good details from both Rocklee and OP. I'm going to somewhat disagree here though. I think the 3 replays Rocklee showed of it working make the failed vision check more likely. I see the point that it is possible that just Shotgun Smash+1st target blocking is causing this issue, but it seems unlikely to me. I think there would be more people complaining if this play had this issue. I'd say this needs testing at best.

FYI, this issue has been sent for further testing.

Upon further testing it has been determined that this needs to be looked at by Catch and/or Bort. Assigning this.

This is not a bug. Requires a vision check to cover the TE. It's not an easy check to pass. Ran a test game and while the majority of the time the SS would blitz, they do drop to cover the TE at times.
Thread moved by moderator.

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