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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > My CPU players went away and changed their names to hide from me - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG #548
That makes sense and i was going to ask that same question but you said your chem is still 100/100/100 so if 2 new players signed your chem would take a small hit but the contract extensions is a possibility. I will leave it here as a needs more info because i am not sold it is a bug.
ok, fair enough...but I just signed those 2 new CPU players and my Chem is still 100/100/100.

I'm thinking CPU players dont effect team chemistry. And since I didnt sign any new players to the team, I wouldnt have lost any before either. I think when my players signed their extensions, it thought they were new players and cut the CPU ones off the team. I had a 55 man roster before the re-signings. The only reason I even knew I lost the CPU players was because all of a sudden it said I had a 53 man roster and I went looking to see what I lost. I'm back to a 55 man roster now that I requested those 2 new CPU players.

Any chance that you still have either an OT or a G that still needs to sign their extension? I like your theory on what happened and am wondering if you'll be able to repeat this bug.

ETA: CPU players do not affect chemistry. Wish I could point to the FAQ, but it's disappeared.
Edited by CDZYO on Feb 10, 2011 07:34:19
I have a OT on the team. I'll just send him the same offer and see what happens...brb.
There ya go, thats exactly what happened.

I made sure everything was the same, cut CPUs when signing a human player on the team needs page, made sure both the CPU players were still on the team. My OT re-signed the new contract I sent to him. Checked on the team page and the CPU OT is gone off the team.

The drop CPUs is reading current players re-signings as new players and cutting them.

EDIT: to add

I dont know if the CPU OT changed his name or not. I wasnt able to put him on the depth chart because of the "recently played a game" thing so he didnt play in todays game and I dont recall what his name was. Nor how to find him even if I did know his name.

Edited by deez11010 on Feb 10, 2011 15:14:55
Edited by deez11010 on Feb 10, 2011 15:01:54
Do you need to be a GM or something so you can see it also?

BTW, this sucks. I need depth (hence signing the CPU's in the first place) and cant use the guys because they "played recently". And now that I did it again, thats 2 games I'll have to be short on depth.

Originally posted by cowtesticles2001
that Bugs Moderator got pwned...LOL

Don't be annoying.

Contribute to the thread or leave it be.

People like you are extremely detrimental to this game.
Originally posted by deez11010
There ya go, thats exactly what happened.

I made sure everything was the same, cut CPUs when signing a human player on the team needs page, made sure both the CPU players were still on the team. My OT re-signed the new contract I sent to him. Checked on the team page and the CPU OT is gone off the team.

The drop CPUs is reading current players re-signings as new players and cutting them.

Will be testing this shortly with my own team.
Verified that this is indeed a Bug.

Step 1- Send Renegotiation to a position of which you have CPU's as well as Regular Players.

Step 2- On your team needs page, select Yes, and drop CPU's on the Auto Offer drop down box.

Step 3- Accept the contract renegotiation.

Step 4- Look at roster and one of the CPU's at that position will be dropped.
Did the same thing with my team

3rd Verification
Originally posted by deez11010

All of that being said, I think I know what caused them to leave the team. This morning I sent out contract extensions to all the players on the team whos contracts were t expire this season. I have the 2 CPU positions as "teams needs" and looking for players. I have it set to cut CPU players when a human player signs to fill that position. I believe that when one of my guards and one of my OTs signed their contract extensions, it cut the CPU players because even though the team still has needs there, it may have read it as a human player signing for that position so it auto cut the CPU players. I didnt notice if the CPU players were on the team when I sent out the extensions or not, so I'm not 100% positive on that. It just made the most sense as to why they arent on the team anymore. As for the name change...good luck with that one.

^ This is what likely happened, it seems that if you have these settings in your team needs settings it will cut CPU players when players re-sign their contracts. I don't think this is necessarily a "bug" because you can request new CPU players if it is absolutely necessary.

As for the names resetting, I have to get confirmation from Bort but I guess it is possible that CPU player names change each time they are added to a team and reset to a new level etc.

Edited by EllisBell on Feb 11, 2011 15:56:51
After talking with EllisBell via PM and his post in this thread, this is being changed to NOT A BUG - CLOSED.


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