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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Formations Depth Chart lists 3 LBs for 3-2-6 formation -ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #543
In the depth chart tab "formations", where you can select whether you want to use custom D Slots, three LBs are listed for the 3-2-6 formation, even though there are only two: LOLB and MLB, on the field in that formation.
Edited by Mike Rogers on Feb 8, 2011 14:37:52 (3rd response - Closed)
Edited by j_reimy on Feb 8, 2011 14:29:00 (Changed classification)
Edited by TruthHammer on Feb 8, 2011 12:13:03 (Not likely a bug)
Lead Bugs Mod
The old DPC mistakenly used the ROLB in the 326. The new DPC has been corrected to use the LOLB in the 326. I suspect that the options for both are in the depth chart to accommodate both DPCs and that the ROLB options will be removed for next season when the old DPC is gone.

I'm going to say this is not likely a bug.
I agree with TH...this should be cleaned up when the old dpc is removed.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
3rd Response, agree with the above.

Closing this, but will make sure to bring to Catch/Bort's attention to ensure its fixed for next season correctly.

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