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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Conference Leaders seem to be way off for SP Teams - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #527
Time Trial

So, the current STMVP in the first conference has about 90 fewer TDs even when blowout adjusted stats are on. Is it because he is under level 40 and the other MVP candidates are level 65+?
Edited by Catch22 on Aug 3, 2011 01:18:37
Edited by Lensar on Feb 4, 2011 16:51:29 (filed)
Edited by Pwned IRL on Feb 4, 2011 12:10:08 (3rd Verification - Bug, Needs to be filed.)
Edited by Hikariu on Feb 4, 2011 07:27:16
Edited by RMiller517 on Feb 4, 2011 07:04:42
I agree... this does look off. Even if it was the case that kickoff yards were more valuable, the 2nd place guy has 4 TDs and 3x the KO avg.

Marking as likely a bug.
Something looks messed up to me. With blowout adjusted on why is that guy #1? No clue.
Time Trial
I am also not sure that Bort is adjusting the HoF correctly. The leaders seem to be lower level from non elite/Pro/WL. Makes me wonder if he has accounted for everything in the formulas after the leagues moved around. From what I know about the HoF rankings, they were supposed to weight stats based on the difficulty of the league. Bort might have tied that league difficulty to the league id number, so when an elite casual 30 league was eliminated and that league id number is now associated with a local minor team, the stats will be counting for much more than they should.

Also, as pointed out, the sim seems to be favouring lower level players over higher level players. This may be a remnant from the old recommended player level for the league. Since we are doing this by age now, it should be looking at the age of the player and not the level, as this method seems to be favouring SSBs who are low level, high age.

Additionally, Bort should confirm the above and Fame calculations, because I remember he also said fame goes up faster if you are lower level playing higher level players in a certain league.
I agree this is fishy. Sending up.
Assigning bug.
Thread moved by moderator.

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