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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > So offense players can go through other players but defensive players have to go around.... - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #550

The CB has to go around the NT, but all the offense players can go through each other.....

Going through the play.....

LG & LT are on top of each other

RG is on top of the C

WR is on top of of the HB
Edited by RMiller517 on Feb 11, 2011 07:11:37
Edited by Husker2 on Feb 10, 2011 23:24:59 (2nd verification )
Edited by TruthHammer on Feb 10, 2011 23:10:24 (Added File #)
Edited by TruthHammer on Feb 10, 2011 23:05:20 (Not likely a bug)
Edited by TruthHammer on Feb 3, 2011 09:27:04 (Needs more info)
Lead Bugs Mod
I'm not sure what causes players be allowed to overlap in one situation and not in another, but I do know it's not just a offense-is-allowed/defense-is-not issue (

Whatever the cause, I'm pretty sure this is working as intended.

This question was just asked in the Q&A , so I'm going to hold off on calling it not a bug and just say needs more info for now, until we get an answer there.
Black Peter
The D has collision detection in place (apparently) while the O never has (apparently.) It's been that way since I can remember. Guess the O needs more help.
Lead Bugs Mod
We just got an anwer in the QA today.

Originally posted by Bort
Offensive players do actually try to avoid each other somewhat, though I don't think they do so when running routes. Blockers avoid each other some, though not as much as the ball carrier avoids his own guys. If we switched things up where the blockers avoided each other more, we'd tend to see a lot of holes with blockers getting in each others' way a lot, especially on pass blocking. Blitzers going through each other would make for a LOT more sacks. It's important to have some of that "clogged up" idea in place to keep nano-blitz type stuff in check. Might make some sense to lessen the avoid radius on pass coverage, though. I can't say without testing it.

It sounds like this behavior is intentional for balancing reasons. It also sounds like he's willing to tweak it a little bit, so you might want to make a suggestion to keep the issue active and help move it up his priority list.

Marking not likely a bug.
I am going to agree with Truth, especially finding that Bort quote.

2nd verification
Originally posted by TruthHammer
We just got an anwer in the QA today.

Originally posted by Bort

Offensive players do actually try to avoid each other somewhat, though I don't think they do so when running routes. Blockers avoid each other some, though not as much as the ball carrier avoids his own guys. If we switched things up where the blockers avoided each other more, we'd tend to see a lot of holes with blockers getting in each others' way a lot, especially on pass blocking. Blitzers going through each other would make for a LOT more sacks. It's important to have some of that "clogged up" idea in place to keep nano-blitz type stuff in check. Might make some sense to lessen the avoid radius on pass coverage, though. I can't say without testing it.

It sounds like this behavior is intentional for balancing reasons. It also sounds like he's willing to tweak it a little bit, so you might want to make a suggestion to keep the issue active and help move it up his priority list.

Marking not likely a bug.

LOL @ "make a suggestion"
Originally posted by stromstarhammer
LOL @ "make a suggestion"

don't you have something better to do besides trolling the bugs forum?

per the bort quote, i agree with the classifications. closing as not a bug.

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