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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > SS has glitchy behavior at end of play - #518 - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
Edited by Mike Rogers on Mar 4, 2011 19:18:51 (Closed, unable to replicate)
Edited by Talcion on Feb 2, 2011 20:14:15 (DISAGREE WITH INITIAL RESPONSE - NEEDS MORE INFO)
Edited by Mike Rogers on Feb 2, 2011 19:35:26 (First Response and file #518)
Originally posted by stromstarhammer

Looks like the RT got a hold of him and tossed him aside.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Originally posted by Rikkhen
Looks like the RT got a hold of him and tossed him aside.

This pretty much, reaction looks like a Shock Block as SS seems to be stunned after the event, but there is definetly contact there looking on the frame by frame.

I'm going to mark this one as Likely Not A Bug.
Wow, on my rplay he basically almost teleports the guy like 3 yards away from him...

Could this also be a Replay problem?

I use IE on 20...

Would be nice to know what the rest of you are using?

I'm gonna disagree with Not Likely a Bug, and mark this as Needs a Bit More Info, at least before I go along with the not a bug line
Lead Bugs Mod
It looks the same in any browser. You see this kind of thing occasionally when a pass rushing defensive opponent is severely outmatched in strength by the blocker. I think it's Strong Arm firing, but regardless of what it is, I think it's working as intended. I'll hold off making a determination until Talcion gets the info he's looking for.
Originally posted by Talcion
Wow, on my rplay he basically almost teleports the guy like 3 yards away from him...

Could this also be a Replay problem?

I use IE on 20...

Would be nice to know what the rest of you are using?

I'm gonna disagree with Not Likely a Bug, and mark this as Needs a Bit More Info, at least before I go along with the not a bug line

It's the distance covered in 2 ticks that looked glitchy to me. Same thing you're seeing I guess.
Not sure what Strong Arm is supposed to look like, but this is the most exaggurated I've seen it.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Originally posted by Talcion
Wow, on my rplay he basically almost teleports the guy like 3 yards away from him...

Could this also be a Replay problem?

I use IE on 20...

Would be nice to know what the rest of you are using?

I'm gonna disagree with Not Likely a Bug, and mark this as Needs a Bit More Info, at least before I go along with the not a bug line

I used FF, Chrome and IE, and he doesnt teleport, he is pushed/flung aside, then seems to be stunned.
I have seen it often when pass rushers are severely out matched in strength, but not pancaked.
Originally posted by Mike Rogers
Originally posted by Talcion

Wow, on my rplay he basically almost teleports the guy like 3 yards away from him...

Could this also be a Replay problem?

I use IE on 20...

Would be nice to know what the rest of you are using?

I'm gonna disagree with Not Likely a Bug, and mark this as Needs a Bit More Info, at least before I go along with the not a bug line

I used FF, Chrome and IE, and he doesnt teleport, he is pushed/flung aside, then seems to be stunned.
I have seen it often when pass rushers are severely out matched in strength, but not pancaked.

I'm sorry, I have FF, Chrome, IE and Opera... It's a 3 yard teleport, after the SS runs into the RT...
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Originally posted by Talcion
I'm sorry, I have FF, Chrome, IE and Opera... It's a 3 yard teleport, after the SS runs into the RT...

OK I spent a lot of time looking at this, used a couple of PCs and laptops as well.

And I can almost see what I think your seeing, but ONLY if I use a replay type that is not suitable for my equipment.

On my top spec laptop, I get nothing like what you seeing regardless of replay type or browser etc.

But on other systems if I try using a replay type thats not suitable, I can start to see what I think your seeing.

The fact I had to try to do the wrong thing to make it happen doesn't scream bug to me though.

Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Closed, might be a replay issue, but only where replay type is not suitable for system.

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