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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Returnman misses ball with 50%+ energy - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #431
I know this happens in big blowouts when the returner is tired. But why did it happen to our guy? This never happened to him last season and then boom, twice in our season opener.

Returner has just over 50% energy, and we're only down by 14. Ball is kicked to the 30 and he misses

Returner has right at 50% energy, we're down by 21 and he misses this punt. Its 38 yards in the air.

This is his second season with the team and he has never missed before, even when he was at 10% energy. Just wondering if there was a change for returners, or is there a new bug that cropped up?

Edited by Androth on Jan 31, 2011 16:40:42 (ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG)
Edited by Androth on Jan 21, 2011 01:56:49 (NEEDS MORE INFO)
Bugs Moderator
im curious why the gunners dont stop at the 30 with the other guys? was there a change that im not familiar at, i thought everyone stopped.
Originally posted by gbororats
im curious why the gunners dont stop at the 30 with the other guys? was there a change that im not familiar at, i thought everyone stopped.
Shouldn't KR team go after ball? - NOT A BUG - #329
Originally posted by TruthHammer - Bugs Moderator - Jan 12, 2011 07:27:54
I'm going to have to disagree on this one. I think this bug should be added to this filed bug:

I believe it is designed that the defenders stop and wait for the returner to recover the ball. The problem is that not everybody stops.

Especially interesting to me in this replay that we didn't see in the other thread is that one player actually overshoots the usual stopping point of the 30-40, but does stop at the 15.


BTW Truthhammer links in that post to this thread here:
Kickoff Coverage on Loose Balls - BUG - NEEDS TO BE FILED
Edited by stromstarhammer on Jan 20, 2011 14:38:07
Originally posted by deez11010
I know this happens in big blowouts when the returner is tired. But why did it happen to our guy? This never happened to him last season and then boom, twice in our season opener.

Returner has just over 50% energy, and we're only down by 14. Ball is kicked to the 30 and he misses

Returner has right at 50% energy, we're down by 21 and he misses this punt. Its 38 yards in the air.

This is his second season with the team and he has never missed before, even when he was at 10% energy. Just wondering if there was a change for returners, or is there a new bug that cropped up?

I'm going to mark this as needs more info for now. Given the level of these dots, mistakes or build issues are possible, but not really likely that they would change that dramatically in just one season. I'd like to see if some other teams are having the same sort of issues with return men before going further. The returners spd/agil/vis/catch would also be useful.

As an aside, the questions about the gunners stopping belongs in other threads which have been pasted. I also shrunk the thread title slightly.
Originally posted by Androth
I'm going to mark this as needs more info for now. Given the level of these dots, mistakes or build issues are possible, but not really likely that they would change that dramatically in just one season. I'd like to see if some other teams are having the same sort of issues with return men before going further. The returners spd/agil/vis/catch would also be useful.

As an aside, the questions about the gunners stopping belongs in other threads which have been pasted. I also shrunk the thread title slightly.

Yeah, at first I thought maybe he was too tired, but then saw his energy and got confused.

He has 98.2 speed, 71.2 Agility, 51.2 Vision and Catching is only 8. He has 3 in Return Spec SA and has Returner archetype (if those help any at all).

I can understand flat missing the ball, but he didnt do it last season at all. I'll go through his previous seasons and see if he missed any before when he had energy (though I dont know what his build would have been at that point).

NM, I cant see his energy in his previous seasons

Edited by deez11010 on Jan 21, 2011 11:47:53
Guess I'm the only one huh? Our second game he didnt miss any even when he was ~30% energy. But we werent losing in the 4th qtr either. Maybe its just something that happens in the 4th? This next game we'll probably lose, I'll see if he misses any in the 4th and what his energy is at when he misses them.
My returner hasnt missed any yet this season.

Could be a bug of how far back the returner stands in lower leagues?
vision looks crappy on the first one
Originally posted by woopwoopmcpoop
vision looks crappy on the first one

I posted his vision
My guess at the moment would be a combination of low catching and maybe low morale. I know that isn't a satisfactory explanation of why it didn't happen before this season, so it'll stay open as needing more information to see if anyone else has similar issues.
Well, it hasnt happened anymore, even when he has low energy and we're getting blown out.

I'm guessing this fixed it.
Originally posted by
Jan 23, 2011
- Fix some incorrect movements of kickoff team on left/right kicks

Or it was just a fluke that happened to happen that one game.

Moving to determined not a bug as per user and because no one else has had similar issues.

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