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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > NT Rev Pancakes OG & OT and has clear line to QB but looks to run away instead -ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - #415

He just keeps on running up the field instead of going towards the QB. Is it because he Deflected the pass or is this a Pathing issue? You would think that he should go towards the QB instead of bypassing him.

Play Intensity: Hard
Tackling Style: See Tackling Settings
Play Type Focus: Run
Man Coverage distance: 0
Coverage Style: Semi-Aggressive
Pass Rushing Style: Power
Pass Rushing Aggressiveness: 100
Edited by Mike Rogers on Jan 20, 2011 16:14:47 (ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - Thread Moved)
Edited by Pwned IRL on Jan 19, 2011 15:27:59 (Not Likely a Bug - #415 - First Response)
Edited by Pwned IRL on Jan 19, 2011 14:38:03 (Needs more info, not filed.)
Edited by mingo23 on Jan 19, 2011 13:09:23
He dove to deflect the pass, and successfully did so.
I know its a situation that probably won't occur with regularity.

But we'll need to see at least a few more links to verify what is happening is based upon a faulty path issue.

I do see how the DT doesn't appear to be moving towards the QB, but he did deflect the pass.

I'll mark this as NEEDS MORE INFO to see if we can get some more links.
It's unlikely you'll see many more replays/situations as the OP.

Certainly my opinion that it's not likely a bug..... the QB is about to pass right after the DT revcakes the ROT, the DT knowing it wouldn't reach the QB, instead went for the pass deflect and that's what you see in that replay.

Pwned, I'd go ahead and file that one .
Originally posted by rocklee711
It's unlikely you'll see many more replays/situations as the OP.

Certainly my opinion that it's not likely a bug..... the QB is about to pass right after the DT revcakes the ROT, the DT knowing it wouldn't reach the QB, instead went for the pass deflect and that's what you see in that replay.

Pwned, I'd go ahead and file that one .

I agree with everything you have said. I just assumed we'd of seen the dot blink when he jumped or dove for the deflection.

Filing now.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
DT makes a successful attempt at the PD, which indicates that he was unable to close the space on the QB before the pass was made, that explains his pathing.

Locking and moving to ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG forum.

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