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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > WR leaves blocking assignment to go after a player on the ground - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
I opened a bugs thread about this a few weeks ago, only had 1 replay, thought it looked weird.
It happened again in todays game, look at WR1... as SOON as the FS misses the tackle he leaves the CB1 and goes to block him. I'm going to try and go look for that other thread that was closed down now.
Edited by RMiller517 on Dec 31, 2010 14:41:56
Edited by robponce on Dec 28, 2010 11:57:12 (Frame by Frame confirms WR left prior to broken tackle.)
Edited by blaslo on Dec 27, 2010 14:16:46
Edited by VolBrian on Dec 23, 2010 09:19:16 (Not likely a bug)
Here's the previous play:
Edited by Bukowski on Dec 17, 2010 17:27:34
i think that the FS was clearly on the ground looks buggy to me
Does it have something to do with the HB passing him as well? Maybe there's some logic in the sim that says there's no point in blocking that CB anymore, the HB is past you so go find someone else to block... then he takes an awkward route towards the HB. That seems kind of dumb with how it was executed in the play, but in a bang-bang situation the HB passing the WR seems more in time with the WR doing what he does.
Rocky Top
Originally posted by Neoprxis
Does it have something to do with the HB passing him as well? Maybe there's some logic in the sim that says there's no point in blocking that CB anymore, the HB is past you so go find someone else to block... then he takes an awkward route towards the HB. That seems kind of dumb with how it was executed in the play, but in a bang-bang situation the HB passing the WR seems more in time with the WR doing what he does.

I think this is about correct just as it was in the first thread.

The WR is blocking the CB, sees the FS as a threat, begins to go after him, the FS dives and takes himself out of the play, so the WR looks for a new threat.

Not likely a bug
I think I am going to move this one along for a second look. To me, it looks like the corner doesn't break his block with the wide receiver until AFTER the free safety dives and misses the tackle and is already on the ground. In that case, it wouldn't make any sense for the wide receiver to see the free safety as a threat, so I think there might be some kind of error in the logic
The WR actually makes a break for the FS just as he hits the HB (frame by frame confirms). Most likely he sees him as an immediate threat and leaves the CB for the immediate threat. The HB breaking the tackle really has no bearing on his decision. After the broken tackle he then turns back upfield.

Not a bug.
as rob said. plus, catch already said it wasnt a bug. no need to have this discussion again.
Edited by RMiller517 on Dec 31, 2010 14:41:40
Thread locked by moderator.

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