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i looking to build an entire O-line for my PW next season and i ask myself how to build some great pass blockers.
I've the key for run blocker but the pass protection is a mystery for me and i want to go heavy pass in S19....
so someone can help please.
In season 17 my team started out in a cap 4 league at level 1. The entire O line was and still are pass blockers. They only spent SP on agility the first season and I think they took it to 74 by level 13 or 14.

We passed every down and they were all set to pass block focus. The team lead the league in passing and had the leas allowed sacks. Everything was great till about the last 2 games and the playoffs where I could tell that strength was an issue.

Not sure if that helps you for your pee wee plans next season. We also got murdered by a gold pee wee team that season in a scrimmage. So I assume there are more pee wee secrets that I am not aware of.
I have to say strength no matter what. If you would want to back that with Agility as training then thats the route I would go and adding the extra points at the start of build to agility .Depending on how long you want these players if its only one season then this would be route I would take.

Run Block G Built around Pass Protection Ive sim a season for ya.Trained Agility on intense all season. Took Strength to 3rd cap hold,The rest skills to Blocking. If your doing CEQ also go all Strength Will end With around 78 Playoffs. .This will be more than enough to hold you.

Physical Attributes



Rage Kinard
You probably want to chose pass blocker for the LOT and run blocker for the rest.

You are going to want the builds to end up with at least 140 strength, 100 agility, 80 blocking, 70 speed, 65 vision, 60 confidence and stamina.

The build plan is different for the LOT, so natural agility is going to be higher than strength, but the only real difference is you will put all 50+ pts of equipment in strength for the LOT and get the protector bonus instead of penalty. For the others you will put some 10-15 pts of equipment into agility and the rest in strength.
ok thanks

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